Dear Neighbors:
Here’s a link to the agenda for the October 16, 2019 City Council meeting agenda: The key items are a vote on the Housing and Economic Development Strategic Plan, and the first of three October work sessions (with no votes) on tree policies. The only other vote will be on renewing the contract for our legislative advocate in Annapolis. We’ll also have discussions on the Community Development Block Grant program; a new speed camera contract; a Memorandum of Understanding with the County Board of Elections (tied to the synchronization of our local elections with County, State and Federal elections); and purchases and contracts related to technology upgrades, vehicle replacement, and street, sidewalk and stormwater work.
Office Hours: 3:00 - 5:00 PM on Wednesday, October 16 at The Girl and the Vine (7071 Carroll Ave.) Stop by to discuss local issues with me. No appointments necessary.
Village of Takoma Park Seeking Volunteers. This local non-profit is looking for volunteer drivers, walkers with their "senior stroll" program, and friendly visitors. If interested call 301-646-2109 or email The next volunteer driver training will be on Thursday, October 17, from 7:00 - 8:30 PM at the Takoma Park Presbyterian Church. The next training for the Friendly Visitor program will be Tuesday, October 22, 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM, location to be announced.
Presbyterian Church Annual Fall Bazaar -- Saturday, October 19, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM. This event will be in the Church Gym by the intersection of Maple and Tulip Avenues. It’s like a big yard sale, with furniture, housewares, clothing, toys, books, jewelry and more. A bake sale, lunch and silent auction are included. You can donate items in good condition at the gym on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, October 14 to 17 from 4:00 and 8:00 PM.
Friends of the Takoma Park Library Book Sale -- Saturday, October 19, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM in the front yard of the Library or in the Community Center in case of rain. Donated books can be dropped off at the Library (if you have more than three cartons call in advance at 301-891-7259).
Monster Bash -- Saturday, October 26, 1:00 - 5:00 PM (ending time is approx.) This City sponsored event kicks off with dancing and other activities followed by a Costume Parade and Contest, ending with a Costume Award Ceremony and Celebration at the Community Center parking lot.
Legislative Advocate Contract: The City has had a contract for a number of years with Public Policy Partners to serve as our representative and lobbyist in the State Legislature. With the expiration of the existing contract, an RFP for a new contract was issued and PPP was chosen from among the three respondents. I agree with that choice -- I think they’ve done a good job, and I’ll be voting in favor of the contract.
Housing and Economic Development Strategic Plan: As described previously, we’ve been working for some time on the Strategic Plan. It provides a detailed outline of an array of strategies to help the City develop economically and expand our housing options while working to keep the community affordable for a range of income groups. Once it’s approved, there will still be plenty of work to do in order to achieve the plan’s goals, but it lays the ground work for doing that.
The plan has continued to be revised as we’ve moved toward finalizing it. As part of that process, I’ve been focused on ensuring that considering racial equity and addressing climate change are key priorities throughout the plan, and I’m pleased that both points are now appropriately emphasized. In addition, I thought it was important to highlight the need to be responsive to the Purple Line’s potential economic impact, and I’m glad language on that concern has also been added. With those changes, I think the Strategic Plan is in good shape and I plan to vote for it.
Community Development Block Grant Program: The City is eligible for approximately $91,000 in CDBG funding in this year’s budget cycle. Previously approved Council guidance limits the use of these funds to capital expenditures, and City staff is recommending using this year’s funds for sidewalk upgrades in certain areas of the City to make them compliant with the Americans With Disabilities Act.
Speed Camera Contract:
With the City’s speed camera equipment aging and in need of replacement, City staff is recommending that we enter into a new contract in coordination with the speed camera contract Prince George’s County has with Conduent State and Local Solutions, Inc. Our use of speed cameras has played a positive role in reducing speeding and improving safety within the City, and I think it’s important for us to maintain the program. I’ll be looking carefully at the arguments in favor of joining with Prince George’s on this contract.
Montgomery County Board of Elections MOU: In 2017 the Council approved switching our local elections to “even” years when County, State and Federal elections also take place. I think the switch to even years will lead to a substantial increase in voter turnout for our local elections. But because our elections feature certain unique characteristics -- the participation of non-citizens and 16 and 17 year-olds -- that don’t apply to the County, State and Federal ballots, we can’t simply merge our elections with the others without taking steps to ensure that they all appropriately adhere to their requirements. To be more specific, we need to work out some practical details with the County Board of Elections about sharing voting space, absentee ballots, early voting and similar matters. A memorandum of understanding addressing the relevant points has been developed by the City and the Board, and approved by the Board. This week’s discussion is a precursor to City approval of the MOU.
Technology Purchases:
Street, Sidewalk and Stormwater Contracts:
Replacement Vehicle Purchases:
Replacement of Administrative Pool Vehicle:
Discussion of Tree Policies:
Tree policies is another area on which we’ve been working for some time. Our efforts are focused on three areas: potential amendments to the tree ordinance, developing tree canopy goals, and improved outreach and public education. Those three concepts can all work well together if they are properly designed, and I anticipate that our discussions this week and in the next two Council meetings will give us a much better sense of how to move forward on all three.
In September we held a Council discussion during which we worked through a lengthy starter list of issues that have been suggested for Council action. At that time we gave tentative nods to a series of technical changes, while agreeing to postpone review of a number of the more complex issues until a time when we could give them the intensive review they deserve. That’s what we’ll be doing in the next three Council meetings. The attached starter list shows an initial breakdown of the issues we’ll be considering, though it’s likely there will be some adjustments to the list as we move along. This week’s discussion will be devoted to potential changes involving four specific aspects of the tree ordinance: developing a clearer and faster process for residents seeking permits and other information from City staff; the Tree Impact Assessment process; the Tree Protection Plan process; and appeals of decisions made by City staff pursuant to the ordinance.
Meanwhile, City staff have tentatively scheduled a community forum on Saturday, November 2 concerning the oak tree die-off we’ve being experiencing. We’ll also be talking about ways of reducing the likelihood of, and responding to, such infestations in the context of our tree canopy goal discussion in the October 23 City Council work session.
Please feel free to contact me with questions or comments about any of the issues that are covered in this message.
Peter Kovar, Takoma Park City Council. Ward One