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Welcome to my blog, which features frequent updates on local Takoma Park issues, including City Council meeting agendas, plus occasional commentary on national news and politics.

Agenda for November 6, 2019 City Council Meeting


Dear Neighbors:

Here’s a link to my blog on the agenda for the November 6 City Council meeting and related matters:  https://takomaparkmd.gov/meeting_agendas/city-council-meeting-agenda-wednesday-november-6-2019/. This week’s meeting starts with a presentation including Q and A at 6:00 PM on Montgomery College’s Math-Science Building planned for North Takoma. In the regular meeting, beginning at 7:30 PM, we’ll vote on amendments to the City Charter’s election provisions and a resolution on the transfer of Silver Spring Intermediate Park to the County parks department. The work session will feature discussions on our State legislative priorities; election related changes to the City Code (as distinct from the Charter); the purchase of trash and recycling containers; and a budget amendment. There will also be two proclamations, on Municipal Government Works Month and on Small Business Saturday (November 30).

City Council schedule. In addition to meetings this week and on November 13, we’ll also have a special Council meeting on Monday, November 18, where one of the key topics on the agenda will be a presentation from City staff on the proposed Sustainability and Climate Action Plan. After that meeting, with the holiday season starting the following week, we aren’t expected to meet again formally until January.

Montgomery College Construction Issues. The Math-Science building project will soon be moving into the construction phase, and this will be an opportunity for residents to learn about those plans from MC representatives and their construction firm, and to ask questions.





Takoma Park & Piney Branch Elementary Schools PTA Meeting -- November 5, 7:00PM at TPES. Along with several of my Council colleagues, I’ll be appearing and speaking briefly at this meeting.

Office Hours -- Wednesday, November 6 from 3:30 - 5:30 PM at Takoma Bevco. Stop by to discuss Takoma Park issues with me. No appointments necessary.

Reducing and Re-using Waste -- public workshop on Thursday, November 7 at 7:30 PM in the Community Center Azalea Room. This event will be led by North Takoma’s own Tanya DeKona, AKA the Green Elf. https://takomaparkmd.gov/news/reduce-it-clever-ideas-for-how-to-reduce-and-reuse-in-your-daily-living-thursday-november-7-at-730pm-azalea-room/

Takoma Radio (WOWD, 94.3 FM), Sunday, November 10 at 1:00 PM -- I’ll be on the “Talk of Takoma” show hosted by Eric Bond.

State Department of Assessments and Taxation Presentation with Q & A -- Wednesday, November 13, 6:00 - 7:00 PM -- This presentation will be in the auditorium before the regular Council meeting. Because some residents have raised concerns about inconsistencies in this year’s re-assessment data and patterns, we requested an opportunity to hear from SDAT staff about the results. Residents will be able to ask questions.

Takoma Park Police Accepting Applications for the 2020 Community Police Academy -- Applications are due by December 20, but spots are limited so apply soon if you’re interested. It’s a 13-week program that meets Tuesdays from 7:00 - 9:30 PM on topics like patrol, traffic enforcement, use of force, criminal investigations, canine, firearms, crisis negotiation, etc. The presentations are by officers, detectives and civilians. There will be opportunities for hands-on learning, practical scenarios, field trips and ride-alongs. This link has the application and other information: https://takomaparkmd.gov/government/police/community-policing/community-police-academy/

Winter Coat Drive Begins this Week -- The Police Department, in partnership with Takoma Park Adventist Church, is collecting clean, gently used warm coats of any size. A donation box will be in the Police lobby on the Community Center first floor until December 20


Historic Preservation Commission Consultation on Takoma Junction Project. On October 23, Junction developer NDC appeared before the County Historic Preservation Commission for another preliminary consultation. Mayor Stewart, City staff and around 15 City residents made comments. HPC recommendations in the preliminary consultation phase aren’t binding -- that would happen later in the process when NDC applies for a Historic Area Work Permit (HAWP).

NDC made several changes to their earlier proposal, including an increase of several feet in the sidewalk setback, with three separate setback depths and a small increase in public space; pushing back a portion of the second floor façade at the end of the building by the Co-op to create a “balcony”; eliminating one of the elevator towers; simplifying the parapet; using design features to visually break up the expanse of the façade; and installing a green roof. The overall square footage would be the same, as the space lost from creating the balcony would be compensated for by pushing the building back somewhat in the rear.

The HPC response was more positive than on NDC’s earlier proposals, with most Commissioners expressing support for the balcony, the reduction in apparent massing through the three setbacks, the parapet simplification and the efforts to break up the appearance of the façade. However, some Commissioners continued to express concerns about the size of the building and the façade. In addition, they wanted NDC to come back to present details on the additional square footage added in the rear. Several Commissioners also expressed concern about the appropriateness of the balcony being reserved only for private use of tenants.

As someone worried about the size and height of the structure, I think it’s helpful to have the balcony, simplification of the parapet, and the changes that may reduce the sense of a huge façade. However, I’m disappointed that the overall height and square footage are unchanged, and that there’s only a minimal increase in public space. I’m also doubtful about the loss of the second elevator.

Among the next steps will be the County Planning Board’s review of the project and State Highway Administration consideration of potential changes to the Junction intersection, which should include review of the lay-by. Previously, the Planning Board’s staff had agreed that the Board wouldn’t vote on the proposal until SHA had weighed in. Also, prior to a Planning Board vote, I anticipate the City Council would consider and vote on the plan based on whatever revisions are submitted to the Board. And as noted HPC will be considering the plan again. It’s not currently clear when all these steps will happen.

To listen to the roughly two hour audio of the HPC discussion on this topic, use this link:  http://mncppc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=3309a394-f68f-11e9-9542-0050569183fa.

City Attorney. Our current City Attorney’s contract expires in February, and the City earlier this year put out an RFP for firms interested in taking on this role. Though the City Attorney works closely with Takoma Park staff, the position is technically supervised by the Council, and the Council makes the decision on which firm to hire. On Friday we interviewed the three finalist firms and discussed our preferences. The interviews and discussions were conducted in a closed session pursuant to State law that allows closed sessions in situations involving personnel and contracting matters. I’m hopeful we’ll be able to announce our selection in the near future.

Dog Park Access. During this past week’s Council meeting we discussed questions around access to the Dog Park, including specifically restrictions on access of commercial dog walking services to the park. I didn’t agree with the idea of restricting commercial access without there being an opportunity to hear from thoroughly from the community. I’m pleased that -- based on the Council discussion -- the commercial restrictions will be removed for now. While it may make sense in the future to put in place some commercial restrictions (potentially based on considerations like the time of day or potentially requiring a fee for larger scale commercial use), it’s my view again that we should only do that after there’s a public discussion. And as several of my Council colleagues pointed out, delving into questions like wear and tear on the park and a possible fee structure would make the most sense in the context of our budget process.

With only a few more Council meetings this year (as noted above) my hope is that we could have those kinds of discussion next year. Meanwhile, the staff is looking into whether there are appropriate interim steps that would make sense between now and any broader discussion we may have next year, such as an overall limit on the number of dogs in the park at any one time. You can see video of our discussion starting at minute 45 of this link: https://takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/meetings-and-documents/city-council-video/.


Election Amendments to City Charter:  https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/agendas/2019/council-20191106-1.1.pdf. The Takoma Park Board of Elections reviewed City election laws as part of the preparation for our ballots being synchronized with County, State and Federal elections, starting in 2020. The Board proposed changes affecting both the City Charter and City Code. Last week we had a public hearing on the Charter changes and no residents testified. I plan to vote in favor of the changes. There will be a second vote on the amendments at next week’s Council meeting. This week we’ll also discuss the Board’s recommended election Code changes (see below).

SSI Park:  https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/agendas/2019/council-20191106-4.pdf. I’ll be voting in favor of the resolution. As noted last week, I have questions concerning traffic safety issues on Boston Avenue when the park is in heavy use, stormwater control, and the specifics on the construction work, all of which I raised in last week’s Council meeting. We’ll receive information on those points as the project advances.


Legislative Priorities:  https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/agendas/2019/council-20191106-5.pdf. The Council meets periodically with Alice Wilkerson of Public Policy Partners -- the firm that represents the Takoma Park on State matters in Annapolis -- to discuss legislative priorities. This week she’ll be offering perspectives on the 2020 state legislative session, and discussing Council priorities with us.

Changes to City Election Code:  https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/agendas/2019/council-20191106-6.pdf. These proposed changes, when combined with the Charter changes noted above, would put in place an array of updates to our election process. I think the proposed changes generally look good, including for example the cap of $1,000 on contributions from any one source (there is currently no limit).

Trash and Recycling Containers Purchase:  https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/agendas/2019/council-20191106-7.pdf. Funding for the purchase of these replacement containers was included in the budget.

2020 Budget Amendment #2:  https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/agendas/2019/council-20191106-8.pdf. Based on changes in programs, grants, City staffing or other factors that affect the budget during the course of the fiscal year, from time to time we consider amendments containing various financial adjustments. In this case, I’m especially interested in learning about any longer term impacts of the proposed changes.

Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or concerns about any of these issues.

Peter Kovar, Takoma Park City Council, Ward One

240-319-6281; www.councilmemberkovar.com

Agenda for November 13, 2019 City Council Meeting

Agenda for October 30, 2019 City Council Meeting