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Welcome to my blog, which features frequent updates on local Takoma Park issues, including City Council meeting agendas, plus occasional commentary on national news and politics.

Agenda for April 1, 2020 City Council Meeting

Dear Neighbors:

As we face the challenges caused by the Coronavirus, I continue to be impressed by the many thoughtful actions being taken by neighbors to help their fellow residents or simply bring a little fun and human contact into a period of forced isolation. Whether it’s checking on those who may need assistance, preparing food packages or donating funds for local non-profits, making grocery runs for those who can’t (or shouldn’t) go out, organizing singalongs and virtual happy hours, patronizing local businesses, posting the latest updates on virus information, or just being good neighbors, Takoma Park is once again showing what it truly means to be a community.

There’s a lot of information on the City website (https://takomaparkmd.gov/initiatives/project-directory/information-and-resources-covid-19/ about services and programs connected to the pandemic, and if you or anyone you know needs help, feel free to contact City staff or me.

This Week’s City Council Meeting. The Council will be meeting virtually again this week, on Wednesday, April 1. Here’s a link to the agenda: https://takomaparkmd.gov/meeting_agendas/city-council-meeting-agenda-wednesday-april-1-2020/. There are two voting items: the final vote on the Election Code amendments, and a resolution allowing more flexibility in the use of City grant funds during the Coronavirus shutdowns. There will also be a presentation from the Complete Safe Streets Committee and a proclamation recognizing Arbor Day. For more details on these agenda items see below.

Public Comments. In our first virtual Council meeting, the set-up for public comment was limited, with only written comments, which were read out loud by the City Clerk. This week we’ll have a more robust process: residents can sign up in advance to make their own spoken comments live. Those who prefer will still be able to submit written comments, which again will be read out loud. Comments in both categories will be limited to three minutes. For written comments, please check how long it takes to read them aloud so they won’t end up being truncated. Please note also that, as usual, there will be two comment periods: an initial one devoted to the voting items, and then — once the votes are completed — a second comment period for any other topics.

Here are the links to make live or written public comments:

Sign-up for Live Public Comments on Voting Items or Other Topics:  https://takomapark.seamlessdocs.com/f/livecomments20200401

Submitting Written Public Comments on Voting Items or other Topics:  https://takomapark.seamlessdocs.com/f/writtencomments20200401

Upcoming Council Schedule. There won’t be a Council meeting on April 8, since that’s the first night of Passover. The next regular Council meeting will be on April 15. The key agenda item that night will be a vote on continuing the Library design work. I’ll provide more details on the Library project prior to that meeting, but you can see some details through this link: https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/agendas/2020/council-20200415-2.pdf. We’ll also have several Monday evening sessions in April on the City budget for the coming fiscal year, starting on April 6, when the City Manager will present her proposed budget.


Mayor Stewart’s latest Coronavirus blog:  https://takomaparkmd.gov/news/a-message-from-mayor-stewart-on-taking-care-of-each-other-taking-care-of-yourself/

Mini-grants for Businesses. As noted previously, the City has established a mini-grant program to assist local businesses. Here’s information on the program and how to make donations to increase the amount of available funding:  https://takomaparkmd.gov/news/takoma-park-supports-impacted-local-businesses-with-small-business-mini-grant-program/


Sligo Creek Parkway Partial Closure:  https://www.montgomeryparks.org/montgomery-parks-to-expand-closure-of-sligo-creek-parkway-to-vehicle-traffic/. I’m pleased the County has announced a closure of portions of the Parkway to vehicular traffic this coming Friday through Sunday, with the potential for further closures going forward. A number of residents had suggested closing the road in this way during the Coronavirus shutdown to enable it to be used more easily for recreational purposes. I thought it was a good idea to move in that direction, and I’m pleased City officials explored closure options with the County prior to this announcement.  

City Tree Planting Program Through April 20:  https://takomaparkmd.gov/news/plant-a-tree-incentives-ends-monday-april-20-2020/

TPSS Co-op Online Operations: https://tpss.coop/3-28-store-operations-update/.  I was glad to learn that the Co-op has started up an online sales program so patrons can minimize the risk of virus transmission while purchasing food. As with all such systems, some patience may be needed as the technology is refined.

The Passing of Pat Loveless:  https://www.mymcmedia.org/takoma-parks-peace-ambassador-pat-loveless-passes-away/. Our community was devastated to learn recently that Mr. Loveless, our Official Peace Delegate, had died. He lived his life as an unflinching advocate for peace and justice, and was a voice for many who had no voice. He’ll certainly be missed by those of us in Takoma Park who shared his hopeful vision for the world. As a Councilmember, I’ll also miss his weekly reminders at Council meetings not to get too caught up in the politics of the moment, but to remember instead the importance of focusing on deeper issues in ways that would benefit those who are most in need.

Complete Safe Streets Committee Recommendations:  https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/agendas/2020/council-20200401-1.pdf. This recently re-established committee will be presenting its recommendations for changes to the procedures by which neighborhoods and/or residents request traffic calming measures and sidewalk installations.


Election Code Amendments:  https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/agendas/2020/council-20200401-2-rev.pdf. This is expected to be the final vote on these changes to our Election Code. As outlined in my blog on the March 18 Council meeting, the key changes that would be made by these amendments include: an updated definition of “campaign material” to better encompass online communications; a clarification of the campaign authority disclosure required on any publicly released campaign materials; a requirement that campaign expenditures must be reported (currently only contributions have to be reported); a limit of one thousand dollars for contributions from any individual (there’s no limit currently); a ban on anonymous donations; an improved schedule for campaign finance reporting; clarification on the use of surplus campaign funds when a local elected official decides not to run for re-election; and some improved procedures for absentee ballots.

I believe these and the other changes proposed in the amendments make sense for the City, and will help ensure smooth operation of our elections this fall (and in future years) when our local ballot will coincide with Federal, State and County elections. I’ll be voting for the amendments. Of course, we’ll have to monitor carefully what’s happening in terms of any impact the Coronavirus may have on the elections. That could potentially include moving to a vote by mail system, and, depending on the course of the virus, I anticipate that’s an option we’ll look at.

Community Grants Resolution:  https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/agendas/2020/council-20200401-3.pdf. In this fiscal year, there are 11 grantees that are receiving funding under the City’s Quality of Life community grant program. Because of the restrictions on public and other activities connected to the Coronavirus, the recipients will be unable to use their funds for the programs as originally anticipated. This resolution will provide more flexibility to grantees, including an allowance to use the funds for operational support along with less strict reporting requirements. I agree with the changes and will be voting yes.

With the hope that everyone stays healthy and safe, please feel free to contact me with questions or comments about any of the topics covered in this blog.

Peter Kovar; Takoma Park City Council; Ward One

240-319-6281; www.councilmemberkovar.com

(He, Him, His)

Important Privacy Notice: All correspondence, including emails, to or from City of Takoma Park agencies, officials, and employees is subject to the Maryland Public Information Act and may be disclosed to the public. 

April 4, 2020: Budget Process Details and Covid-19 Updates

March 18, 2020 City Council Meeting & Coronavirus Update