Dear Neighbors:
Here’s a link to the November 3, 2021 City Council meeting agenda: There are three voting items: the proposed City Council compensation increase; the State legislative priorities resolution; and appointments to resident committees. In the work session we’ll be discussing the recommendations of the Reimagining Public Safety Task Force. There will also be a proclamation recognizing the Chesapeake Climate Action Network -- the locally based organization active on climate change issues in our region -- for their work on eradication of invasive vines in Takoma Park. For details on the agenda items see below.
Sign-up for public comments by 5:00 PM on the day of the meeting: The meeting can be viewed on City TV (RCN -- 13, HD 1060; Comcast/xfinity -- 13, HD 997; Verizon Fios -- 28), on the City Council Video Page; on YouTube, or on Facebook.
There will be two more regular Council meetings this year, on November 10 and 17, followed by a session with our State delegation (Sen. Smith and Dels. Moon, Charkoudian and Wilkins) to discuss 2022 legislative priorities. The Council won’t be meeting formally after that session until January.
Chesapeake Climate Action Network Proclamation:
The Takoma Park COVID-19 Data Dashboard has been updated with data through October 29: Key data points noted by City staff:
▪ We've received updated data from the County on the City's at least first-dose vaccination rate, based on the vaccination rate of Census tracts in the City. The data undercounts the City's actual vaccination rate because it does not include vaccinations of Takoma Park residents who were vaccinated outside Maryland, which the County suspects could be substantial given Takoma Park's location next to DC. With that qualifier, since 9/29 the City's at least first-dose vaccination rate rose 2% from 64% to 66%. By comparison, the fully-vaccinated rate for the 20912 zip code is 59.6%, and the at least partially vaccinated rate is 65.4% (using the same data source that does not count out of state vaccinations).
▪ Montgomery County announced that the County's rate of COVID-19 transmission has fallen from "substantial" to "moderate." With that change, the County has suspended its indoor mask mandate. Takoma Park will continue to require masks for both visitors and staff inside all City facilities.
▪ There were 5 new cases of COVID-19 since last week among Takoma Park residents, as the City's rate of new cases began declining. In the County the rate of hospitalization due to COVID-19 over the last 14 days is down 22%. Cases and hospitalizations have also been declining across the state.
▪ There were no new deaths due to COVID-19 in the 20912 zip code since last week, leaving the zip code's total at 42 since the pandemic's start.
Other COVID resources: Vaccines: or State Vaccine Website; Testing: Montgomery County Testing Sites; Tenants having trouble paying rent: or; Food aid: Submit an online request for help with food resources or call 240-777-0311.
Montgomery College Leggett Building Project Update, November 2, 6:00 PM: This is one in the series of public meetings about the progress on construction of the new Math-Science building on MC’s campus in North Takoma. The link includes information on how to sign up for the meeting.
Upper Portal Park Clean-up, November 3: The City’s vegetation team will be working at the park from 8:00 - 11:45 AM and again from 1:15 - 3:00 PM. Neighbors are welcome to help the staff weed, groom, and prep garden beds. Send an email to Anna Mische John, the Vegetation Maintenance Supervisor, at with questions or to confirm attendance so they will have an idea of how many people plan to participate. This is the small triangle park between Piney Branch Rd., Eastern Ave. and Takoma Ave., near the Metro bridge at the DC border.
Friends of the Takoma Park Library Book Sale, November 6, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM on the Library grounds: The popular annual sale will be back as a live event on the lawn in front of the Library.
State Highway Administration Meeting, Tuesday, November 9, 1:00 - 2:30 PM. The City Council meets periodically with SHA to discuss safety and other issues connected to the State managed roadways in the City (Route 410/Philadelphia Avenue/East-West Highway, Piney Branch Road, Carroll Avenue, University Boulevard and New Hampshire Avenue). Residents will be able to observe the meeting electronically -- log-in details to be provided separately.
Emergency Care Packages for Victims of Domestic Violence: Through November 30, in partnership with the Montgomery County Family Justice Center Foundation, the City’s Police Department will be collecting care packages to meet the immediate, critical needs that impact the safety, wellness, and/or healing of victims of domestic violence and/or their children. The above link has details on needed items and where to drop them off.
2022 Community Police Academy -- Apply Now, Space is Limited:
The Community Police Academy will begin on January 4, 2022. Masks will be required. This is a 14-week program consisting of a weekly class on Tuesdays from 7:00 pm to 9:30 PM. The classes will cover topics such as patrol, traffic enforcement, use of force, criminal investigations, canine, firearms, crisis negotiation, etc. There will also be opportunities for hands-on learning through equipment demonstrations, practical scenarios, field trips and ride-alongs with patrol officers. To hear what participants in previous academies have said about the program:
The Academy is free, with seats limited to the first 25 applicants on a first come/first serve basis. Applicants must be at least 18 years old, live or work in Takoma Park, and not have any serious misdemeanor or any felony offenses. Applications are available at the Department offices or online: The application deadline is December 17, but again space is limited so apply soon if you’re interested.
Winter Coat Drive: The Police Department, in partnership with Adventist Church, the Takoma Park Volunteer Fire Department, and others, is collecting clean, gently used warm coats in any size from infant to adult, for people in need. They will also accept clean, gently used gloves/mittens and scarves. The drop-off site is a box is in the lobby of the Police Department lobby, through December 17 at 4:00 PM.
Council Compensation (updated background materials not yet available): When we considered Council compensation several years ago, I and others on the Council suggested that the resident committee reviewing the topic look into whether the relatively low pay for the Mayor and Councilmember positions is a barrier to lower income or less well-off residents who might be interested in running for offiice. I’m pleased the committee recommended an increase to help overcome that problem, and I’m glad we’ll be voting on the idea. This week’s vote would be the first of two, with the second one tentatively scheduled for our November 10 meeting.
When we discussed this idea in our October 20 work session, the Council was generally supportive of an increase in the level of compensation. However, there were several points on which we asked our Human Resources staff to report back to us. At this point, while a few of the details — primarily relating to benefits for which City elected officials would be eligible — still need to be worked out, I think there are sufficient votes on the Council for an increase. I plan to vote for an increase. As noted previously, no increases can take effect until after the next election.
State Legislative Priorities: Each year the Council adopts a list of State legislative priorities on which we will focus our efforts in the following year’s session in Annapolis. The list for 2022 emphasizes in particular pandemic response, affordable housing, climate change, and public safety reform. The document will help frame the December 1 discussion with our State legislative delegation (see the third paragraph of this blog). I’ll be voting yes.
CONSENT AGENDA (a single vote on all the proposed Committee appointments): Over the last year or so, the Council has undertaken a lengthy process to reform our resident committees and their procedures, missions, etc., with the goal of making them more effective and more reflective of our City’s diverse population. Now we’re moving toward the final stages, with appointments to the remaining 5 standing committees, plus the Sustainable Banking and Investments Task Force. While I think we should take steps in the future to further broaden committee membership, the appointments recommended by the Council working group consisting of Councilmembers Dyballa, Kostiuk and Seamens represent a significant improvement in terms of diversity, and I intend to vote for the proposed slate of appointments.
Public Safety Task Force Recommendations: Following the presentation by the Task Force of its recommendations in July, City staff have been reviewing them and will outline for the Council their views on which ones they believe make sense to adopt. I’d appreciate hearing residents’ thoughts as well.
As always, feel free to contact me if you have questions or comments about any of the topics covered in this blog.
Peter Kovar, Takoma Park City Council, Ward One
(He, Him, His)
Important Privacy Notice: All correspondence, including emails, to or from City of Takoma Park agencies, officials, and employees is subject to the Maryland Public Information Act and may be disclosed to the public.