Dear Neighbors:
Here’s a link to the agenda for the November 17, 2021 City Council meeting:
We’re scheduled to vote on these items: the workforce needs and risk assessment study contract; the multi-family building window guard requirement; a police vehicle purchase contract; a construction management services contract for the Library renovation project; the Council compensation increase proposal; and the City Council winter recess resolution. There will be presentations on the City’s Fiscal Year 2021 audit; the Police Pension Plan actuarial valuation; and a primary care facility proposal from Adventist Health Care. In our work session, we’ll discuss the status of the City’s ARPA planning, and receive an update from the Housing and Community Development Director. There will also be a proclamation recognizing Small Business Saturday. For details on all of the agenda items see below.
This week’s meeting will be the Council’s last regular meeting this year, though we will have a special session on December 1 at 7:00 PM with our District 20 State Delegation (Sen. Smith and Dels. Moon, Wilkins and Charkoudian) to discuss the City’s legislative priorities for 2022.
You can sign up to make public comments for this week’s meeting by 5:00 PM on Wednesday: The meeting can be viewed on City TV (RCN -- 13, HD 1060; Comcast/xfinity -- 13, HD 997; Verizon Fios -- 28), on the City Council Video Page; on YouTube, or on Facebook.
Small Business Saturday Proclamation:
Fiscal Year 2021 Audit: Every year an outside accounting firm conducts an audit of the City’s finances.
Police Pension Plan Actuarial Valuation: We also have an annual independent valuation of the Police Pension Plan. The report includes a recommendation for the amount the City should contribute through the yearly budget to the plan. In my time on the Council we’ve always contributed at least the recommended amount.
Adventist Health Care Primary Care Facility Proposal: Adventist Health Care is proposing to replace the urgent care facility they maintain at the former hospital site with a primary care facility. The written proposal was not yet made public at blog-post time.
The Takoma Park COVID-19 Data Dashboard has been updated with through November 11, 2021. Key data points noted by City staff:
· The CDC has now recommended the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5 to 11, and authorized the vaccine for these children. In the last week, 458 children aged 5 to 9 in the 20912 zip code received the vaccine, helping increase the zip code at least partially-vaccinated rate 2.5% to 68.5%. The fully-vaccinated rate also increased 0.48% to 60.5%.
· There were 9 new cases of COVID-19 reported in Takoma Park since last week, as the rate of new cases declined slightly. In the County, hospitalizations are down 17% over the last 14 days.
· There were no new deaths in the 20912 zip code due to COVID-19 since last week, leaving the zip code's total at 42 since the start of the pandemic.
Vaccines are available for children ages 5 - 11: Other COVID resources: Vaccines: or State Vaccine Website; Testing: Montgomery County Testing Sites; Tenants having trouble paying rent: or; Food aid: Submit an online request for help with food resources or call 240-777-0311.
Statement Regarding Ongoing Union Negotiations: The statement was posted on the City website on Friday. One additional piece of information not mentioned in the statement is that City and AFSCME representatives will be meeting on November 22 to continue the discussions.
State Highway Administration Meeting: The Council met with SHA on November 9 to discuss safety issues concerning State roadways in the City. While many of the topics have been covered before and SHA has previously agreed to take action on some issues that still remain unaddressed, I do think we made some useful progress in this meeting. I’ll be following up with SHA and City staff to help ensure there’s action as soon as possible on as many of the Ward One issues as possible. While I may have missed a few, below is a brief write-up on SHA’s responses. I’d be glad to talk directly with residents about any of these.
Philadelphia Avenue:
Chicago Intersection -- flashing beacon had been approved and then put on hold in 2020; SHA will check on status
Piney Branch Intersection -- SHA will explore all the suggested safety improvements, as far back as Chestnut and Baltimore Avenues, including center line hardening to reduce lane shifting
Holly Avenue -- SHA previously enlarged the stop signs. They will consider other options
Cedar Avenue -- Partial safety improvements installed; SHA will check on next steps
Park Avenue -- SHA will make some pedestrian safety improvements there
Damaged Guardrails -- SHA will arrange for repair ASAP
Speed Enforcement between Takoma and Piney Branch -- SHA open to installing electronic speed indicator; will work with City on potential location
Carroll Avenue: SHA will enhance pedestrian safety signage in Old Town near Westmoreland
Piney Branch: SHA will explore lane changes at Eastern Ave. intersection, given DC changes
Installation of street markings showing parking limits in order to leave more space around driveways -- SHA will consult with City Public Works to develop necessary procedures
Ritchie Stop Sign -- SHA feels the stop sign is doing the job in terms of pedestrian safety; they may be open to installation of a traffic light at some point.
November 10 Takoma Insider: This bimonthly City publication includes a wealth of information on activities taking place within City government. You can sign up to have it emailed directly to you.
PEPCO Tree Work: The work in Wards 1 - 4, to be conducted by PEPCO’s contractor Asplundh, will start in the next few weeks, and is expected to be completed by sometime in January, weather dependent. In Ward 1, it will take place mainly on Grant, Park, Philadelphia and Carroll Aves., and on Piney Branch Rd.
Emergency Care Packages for Victims of Domestic Violence: Through November 30, in partnership with the Montgomery County Family Justice Center Foundation, the Police Department will collect care packages to meet the critical needs that impact the safety, wellness, and/or healing of victims of domestic violence and/or their children.
Redistricting Community Meeting, December 2 at 6:30 PM: Takoma Park will be redrawing the boundaries of its six Wards, based on population, as determined in the 2020 Census. Residents can learn more about the process at this public event. The Council had previously been scheduled to review initial mapping options at one of our regular meetings this month, but the draft maps weren’t finalized. The maps will be publicly available prior to the December 2 meeting.
Electrification and Energy Efficiency Grants: The first round of applications for these grants closes on December 8. Homeowners, small businesses, commercial property owners, multi-family building owners and property managers can apply. The link above provides details on grant amounts, income eligibility limits, etc.
2022 Community Police Academy -- Dec. 17 Application Deadline, Space is Limited:
The Academy will begin on January 4, 2022. Masks will be required. This is a 14-week program consisting of a weekly class on Tuesdays from 7:00 pm to 9:30 PM. The classes will cover topics such as patrol, traffic enforcement, use of force, criminal investigations, canine, firearms, crisis negotiation, etc. It includes hands-on learning through equipment demonstrations, practical scenarios, field trips and ride-alongs with patrol officers. The Academy is free, with seats limited to the first 25 applicants on a first come/first served basis. Applicants must be at least 18 years old, live or work in Takoma Park, and not have any serious misdemeanor or any felony offenses.
Winter Coat Drive: The Police Department, in partnership with Adventist Church, the Takoma Park Volunteer Fire Department, and others, is collecting clean, gently used warm coats in sizes from infant to adult. They will also accept clean, gently used gloves/mittens and scarves. Drop off in the Police Department lobby through December 17 at 4:00 PM.
Takoma Park Invasive Vine Removal: If you’d like to help protect the City’s tree canopy consider participating in the weekly invasive vine removal effort led by Chesapeake Climate Action Network. Earlier this month I joined in, and it was a great way to contribute to saving our trees, get some exercise, and spend time with committed folks from our area.
Montgomery County Rental Assistance: Residents may be eligible for up to $12,000. The link includes details on this program and other County resources for those facing challenges in paying their rent and/or facing eviction.
Organizational Workforce Needs and Risk Assessment Study: We approved this contract on a 7 - 0 vote in last week’s initial vote, and I’ll be voting for it again on Wednesday.
Multi-Family Building Window Guard Requirement: I support this legislation, aimed at preventing young children from falling out of apartment windows (we’ve sadly had two such cases in recent years). It requires installation of window guards in multi-family apartments above the first floor if children 10 years of age or younger live in or will live in the dwelling. The legislation is similar to a bill adopted by Montgomery County in April. That law doesn’t apply to Takoma Park, so we have to pass our own version in order to have this important protection in the City. I joined my colleagues in unanimously supporting this bill in last week’s First Reading vote, and I’ll be voting yes on final passage this week.
Police Vehicle Purchase: This agenda item covers the purchase and outfitting of 5 hybrid vehicles for Police use at a cost of approximately $300,000, an amount which was previously budgeted. I expect to support this purchase, though I do look forward to getting more information on when all electric vehicles may be available for law enforcement use.
Construction Management Services Contract: It’s long been part of the Library renovation plan and budget to hire a construction manager to oversee the project. This contract would be to carry out those important services. I have several questions relating to the cost and timing, on which I’ll be seeking more information.
Council Compensation: The Council voted last week 7 - 0 to approve the compensation increase, with a second vote needed this week in order to make it final. Scroll down to “Voting Session” in last week’s blog for a write-up on my views: Some additional thoughts:
As outlined in the report submitted by the Council Compensation Committee, most Councilmembers reported they worked 30 - 40 hours or more per week, with one estimating 20. For ease of math, if we think of the current Councilmember pay as $12,000 (it’s actually slightly under that) and a month as having 4 weeks, at 40 hours a week that’s 160 hours a month for $1,000 or currently about $6.25 an hour, rising to $12.50 an hour under the compensation proposal we’ll be voting on. For 30 hours a week, the numbers are $8.33 and $16.67, and for 20 hours a week $12.50 and $25. Those are rough calculations, and for the Mayor they would be a little higher. But with the County minimum wage at $15 an hour they give a sense for the order of magnitude we’re talking about. For City employees, the current pay scale for full-time workers starts at a little over $43,000.
Some residents have expressed doubt that changing Council compensation alone would mean lower income people would run for office in greater numbers. To be clear, I don’t think it’s the only barrier faced by lower income people who might want to run, so I don’t think this compensation change is a panacea that will immediately lead to lower income residents seeking office. Other factors that make it difficult to run for those who aren’t well-off include the language barrier, transportation costs and convenience, child care, scheduling flexibility in other jobs, less familiarity with participation in government for those from certain countries, etc. Some of those challenges can be addressed in part through higher pay and better benefits, others through different actions connected to our broader racial equity efforts. Even if the Council compensation increase is approved, I don’t think that alone will instantly transform our elections into campaigns involving people with a wider range of economic backgrounds. But we’re highly unlikely to see a change along those lines if we keep the current system in place.
Finally, I did mention that I’m open to the possibility suggested by a resident in last week’s meeting of making current Councilmembers ineligible for the higher compensation even after the next election. And in last week’s meeting I asked the City Attorney to provide some feedback on what would be involved in pursuing that approach. An initial look at what it would take legislatively is not encouraging -- it would require a City charter amendment, which would be a multiple month process. In addition, there may be restrictions under State law in paying elected officials in the same legislative body differing amounts, not to mention the administrative complications for the City of maintaining two compensation schemes on into the future. I’ll be exploring whether there’s a viable way forward on this idea. But meanwhile I think we should be fair to any new candidates who may wish to run and who ought to have some assurance as to the compensation levels involved. So I think the best approach is to approve the compensation increase now, and to potentially move forward next year with the different treatment for current Councilmembers if we can resolve the legislative challenges and if my colleagues support the concept.
City Council Winter Recess Resolution: Again, this is our last regular meeting in 2021. The first meeting in 2022 will be on January 12.
ARPA Status Update: We’ll explore where the City stands on ARPA funds, including an accounting of monies spent so far and a discussion of plans for future use of funds.
Housing and Community Development Director Update: This update will include presentations of the annual reports from the Old Takoma Business Association and the Takoma/Langley Crossroads Development Authority.
Please be in touch with questions or comments about any of the issues in this week’s blog.
Peter Kovar, Takoma Park City Council, Ward One
(He, Him, His)
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