Dear Neighbors:
Here’s the link to the agenda for the March 24, 2021 City Council meeting: The key issues are the final vote on the new stormwater fee structure, and a discussion on code enforcement policies and practices. We will also be voting on a budget amendment. In our work session, in addition to code enforcement, there will discussions on the annual City budget and preparation for our redistricting process. The meeting will start with a presentation on the County’s Minor Master Plan process relating specifically to the area around the former Washington Adventist Hospital. For more information on these agenda items see below.
To speak in the public comment period sign up here: Sign up for public comments will be open until 5:00 PM on the day of the meeting. You can view the meeting on City TV (RCN – 13, HD 1060; Comcast/xfinity – 13, HD 997; Verizon Fios – 28), on the City Council Video Page, and on YouTube or Facebook. There will be no Council meeting on March 31. Our next meeting will be on April 7. The agenda for that meeting includes presentation of the City Manager’s proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2022, which begins on July 1.
The Takoma Park COVID-19 Data Dashboard has been updated with data as of March 19. Some key data points flagged by City staff:
· The city's first-dose total reached 4,055 this week and the fully-vaccinated total reached 1,811, for a percentage of fully-vaccinated residents of 10.4%. This now surpasses the 1,560 residents who have been infected with COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic.
· To help in tracking the distribution of vaccines over time, we have added a new graphic showing the total residents who have received at least their first dose and the total fully vaccinated.
· There were no new deaths in the 20912 zip code this week, after 2 last week.
· The number of COVID-19 tests administered at the recreation center have begun to decline; since 102 tests were administered on February 20, the total tests administered have ranged from 48 to 63 the last three Saturdays.
Testing at the Recreation Center continues every Saturday, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM. For other Montgomery County testing locations, visit this link. You can pre-register for vaccinations through the County vaccine page: Or you can call 240-777-2982. You can also sign up for vaccines through the Maryland Vaccine Website:
Housing Initiative Partnership Contract. The Council unanimously approved a contract with HIP, a green nonprofit housing developer and counseling agency based in Prince George’s County, to partner in the purchase and renovation of a home on Lincoln Avenue. The goal of the collaboration is to keep the property affordable and sell it to a first time home buyer making no more than 120% of the area median income. We would also prioritize a current renter in the City as the purchaser. With a subsidy of $200,000 from our Housing Reserve fund, the house should be available for a price under Takoma Park’s current median home price of around $520,000. It’s my view that this is a positive use of our Housing Reserve, and one that will help in our efforts to prevent excessive home price increases here in Takoma Park. I was glad to vote in favor of this proposal.
Traffic Calming. The Council gave unanimous approval to the traffic calming resolutions for Darwin Avenue and Wildwood Drive. In the case of Darwin Ave., which is located in Ward One, there’s now consultation with residents of the street underway concerning the specific location of the approved speed bump.
Stormwater Fee and Resolution. On a 6 - 1 vote, the Council approved a resolution calling for action in this year’s budget to address the costly challenge posed by more intense rain storms due to climate change that cause stormwater problems on, between, and among private properties in Takoma Park. I voted yes. Here’s a link to the final version of the resolution: We also gave initial approval to the new stormwater fee structure, also on a 6 - 1 vote (again I voted yes), after making a number of changes to the ordinance, including improving appeal procedures. See below in the Voting Session for more details on this issue.
Police Department Annual Report. Police Chief DeVaul presented the Department’s annual report for 2020. It has a wealth of data on crime trends in the City, which generally show reductions in most major categories with the exception of larceny and automobile thefts. Some of those increases the Chief suggested may be connected to the financial challenges many people are experiencing as a result of the pandemic. He also added that the Department adjusts its patrols to focus on areas which have seen upticks in criminal activity, including for example in Old Town following the window breaking that occurred recently at two of the restaurants there.
I also raised some questions about intersections that may be dangerous for pedestrians, as well as the statistics on Internal Affairs investigations concerning complaints against Police personnel. With regard to the former, Chief DeVaul emphasized the importance of residents letting the Police know about spots in the City they see which can be hazardous for pedestrians. On the Internal Affairs investigations, I asked about additional details that could be provided on the nature of the complaints, beyond the mere statistics on the number of complaints and their disposition. The Chief indicated that under current State law, only very limited information about such cases is permitted to be released, though that may change depending on the outcome of the police reform legislation under consideration in this year’s legislative session in Annapolis.
In any case, I did follow up with several additional questions on this topic following the meeting, and I hope to share some further details about the Chief’s response in a subsequent message. You can see video of my discussion with the Chief starting at the 4:06:40 mark via this link:
City Manager Comments. You can see City Manager Suzanne Ludlow’s official comments from last week’s meeting through this link:
Tax Duplication. Following passage of the City resolution calling on Montgomery County to include additional funds in its budget this year to address tax duplication, Mayor Stewart posted this blog on the topic. It includes information on how residents can express their views on this issue to the County Council. It’s vital they hear from City residents about tax duplication, and I encourage those who are concerned to reach out as suggested in the blog.
Ward One Community Discussion. I'll be hosting a Ward One Community Discussion on Thursday, March 25 from 7:30 - 9:00 PM. Any topics welcome. Here's the Zoom link:
Maple Avenue Complete Streets Redesign Project. As noted previously, the City received a grant from the Greater Washington Council of Governments for a project to redesign Maple Ave. to help make the street better suited to pedestrians, cyclists and transit users. There have been several initial focus groups, and there will be a public meeting on March 30 at which residents will have a chance to view some design options. My initial reaction is that the proposals may be more suited to “lower” Maple (which runs from Philadelphia Ave. to Sligo Creek Parkway) as opposed to “upper” Maple (between Philadelphia and the DC line). Of course lower Maple is outside Ward One, and there should be heavy deference to residents from that part of the street. I’d add that, with the planned Minor Master Plan that’s likely to include lower Maple (see below), it could make sense to fold the Complete Streets project into that larger effort. In any case, I’ll share the March 30 meeting details and initial design concepts when they are posted.
Bank of America Property Now on Sale. The building formerly occupied by Bank of America in Old Town near the DC border is now officially on the market.
Feed the Fridge Expands. I’m pleased to see that Feed the Fridge has expanded to the Community Center. Each refrigerator is filled with 25 - 100 meals a day, Monday to Friday, with new meals delivered between 9:00 and 11:00 AM. People who need a meal can help themselves, no questions asked, no sign-ups required.
Reimagining Public Safety Task Force. Takoma Park’s Reimagining Public Safety Task Force will hold its second meeting on Tuesday, from 6:30 - 8:00 PM. The above link includes information on how to observe the meeting, along with a link to video of the first meeting.
Recreation Center Survey. The City plans to redevelop the Rec Center on New Hampshire Ave. into an improved community resource. Residents can offer their opinions on the project via a survey with a March 31 deadline. Click here to fill out the survey online, which is available in four languages. Paper copies are available at these locations:
· Takoma Park Police Department – 7500 Maple Ave.
· Hampshire Tower Apartments – 7401 New Hampshire Ave.
· Takoma Overlook - 7333 New Hampshire Ave.
City Manager Survey. With Suzanne Ludlow scheduled to retire at the end of June, the City is conducting a search for her replacement. I urge residents to participate in the City survey to express their views on important qualities for the next City Manager and the priorities they should focus on.
All Things Trees. The City is offering e-workshops this spring to help residents learn more about trees. Workshop content has been developed by Maryland Sustainable Ecologies and will be presented by Master Arborist Richard Jones. Sessions will be held via Zoom and will last 30 minutes with a Q & A period. There’s a 25 participant limit with sign-ups on a rolling basis.
Sign up for alerts. You can sign up to receive updates and alerts from the Police Department, the Takoma Insider, the Office of Sustainability, Takoma Park Arts and more: You can also register with WSSC to be notified when they are planning local water/sewer work near your home: And finally, you can sign up to receive my blog directly instead of through your neighborhood email list:
Minor Master Plan: Representatives of the Montgomery County Planning Office will make a presentation regarding the process for the Minor Master Plan Amendment to update portions of the Takoma Park Master Plan. The Minor Master Plan will be centered around the former Washington Adventist Hospital, and will also include part of Maple Avenue as well as the Washington Adventist University. The process for developing the amendment will include a community engagement process, and a focus on racial equity.
New Stormwater Fee Structure: We’ll be taking the final vote on the new stormwater fee structure in this week’s meeting. It’s a tiered system based on a calculation of the impervious surface on each property, which is a major determinant of how much individual properties contribute to the flow of untreated stormwater. I agree that’s a fairer approach than the current flat rare for all single family properties. However, as I’ve pointed out before, I was not supportive of the new fee structure unless we also began to take steps to address the costly stormwater problems connected to climate change. With the passage of the resolution mentioned above, we’ve taken a significant first step, and I’m optimistic we’ll be able to set aside some funds in this year’s budget or potentially through the recently enacted federal pandemic relief legislation to help us move toward addressing that challenge.
But even with the passage of the resolution, I’ve had serious concerns about the fee structure, especially given that it’s expected to increase payments for a majority of single family property owners. (Use this map to see how your property will be treated under the new fee structure:,38.9665,-76.9586,38.9988.) As a result, with the support of many of my Council colleagues, I proposed a number of changes to the ordinance, including: making it clear City stormwater funds can be used for analysis of stormwater run-off on private property; requiring establishment of a process for lower income residents to apply for fee reductions; and removing the requirement that any challenge to the impervious surface calculation must include a costly certification from an engineer or surveyor. I’m pleased that versions of these proposals have been included in the revised ordinance, along with a cap on the fee amount in the first year.
Given the addition of all those provisions, as well as the approval of the resolution, I did vote in favor of the ordinance last week on our initial vote. However, there are still some outstanding issues relating to the appeal process and fee credits for those who install stormwater management systems. I’m hopeful we’ll address those issues appropriately before the final vote.
Budget Amendment: The Council will be voting on a budget amendment reflecting the decision we made in our March 17 meeting to approve the expenditure of $200,000 from the Housing Reserve fund for the housing project described above.
Code Enforcement Update: We will hear from Neighborhood Services staff regarding code enforcement requirements and practices. I’m pleased this agenda item has been scheduled by Mayor Stewart, because I have heard from a number of resident who have raised questions and concerns about the code enforcement process. This session will be a good opportunity to learn more that process, and I encourage any residents with concerns to sign up to speak during the public comment period or to submit written comments.
Pre-Budget Briefing: This information was not yet available as of blog-post time.
Preparation for Redistricting: The boundaries of the City’s Wards are reviewed after the decennial Census to ensure each Ward has substantially equal populations, and that they meet the other requirements and guidelines in the City Charter. While the detailed Census information necessary to conduct the redistricting process isn’t expected to be available until the fall, it’s important for the City to begin planning now. City staff have developed a suggested schedule, which we will discuss along with other aspects of the redistricting process.
Please be in touch with questions or comments about any of the issues covered in this blog.
Peter Kovar, Takoma Park City Council, Ward One
(He, Him, His)
Important Privacy Notice: All correspondence, including emails, to or from City of Takoma Park agencies, officials, and employees is subject to the Maryland Public Information Act and may be disclosed to the public.