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Welcome to my blog, which features frequent updates on local Takoma Park issues, including City Council meeting agendas, plus occasional commentary on national news and politics.

July 7, 2021 City Council Meeting & More

Dear Neighbors:

I trust everyone had an enjoyable, relaxing and safe Independence Day weekend. Here’s the link to this week’s City Council meeting agenda: https://takomaparkmd.gov/meeting_agendas/city-council-meeting-agenda-wednesday-july-7-2021/. There are two votes: a grant application related to purchase and redevelopment of two properties on New Hampshire Avenue, and a resolution on the boundaries of the Minor Master Plan for the former Adventist Hospital site and nearby areas. In the work session, we’ll discuss the following topics: options for the 2022 and 2024 elections; a contract for a redistricting consultant; reform of Council-appointed resident committees (a continuation of earlier discussions on this issue); and proposed amendments to our municipal purchasing code. For details on these agenda items see below.

The sign-up for public comments will be open until 5:00 PM on the day of the meeting:  https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_jzbCm6EMRwSW_g2OHbnL5g. You can view the meeting on City TV (RCN – 13, HD 1060; Comcast/xfinity – 13, HD 997; Verizon Fios – 28); on the City Council Video Page of the City Website; on YouTube; or on Facebook.


The Takoma Park COVID-19 Data Dashboard has been updated with data through July 1, 2021. Key data points noted by City staff:

· Since last week, 397 more residents became fully vaccinated and 307 more became at least partially vaccinated, bringing the city's total fully vaccinated residents to 12,273 (69.4% of all residents) and partially vaccinated to 14,064 (79.6%).

· There were two new cases of COVID-19 reported in Takoma Park in the last week, bringing the city's total to 1,728 since the start of the pandemic. With cases again rising in the US as the more-contagious Delta variant of COVID-19 spreads and with 48 cases of the variant reported in Maryland since June 22, unvaccinated residents are encouraged to get vaccinated. In Maryland between May 10 and June 8, 97% of new COVID-19 cases and 89% of hospitalizations and deaths involved unvaccinated residents. Current vaccines have been shown to be effective at preventing people from getting the Delta variant and reducing the severity of symptoms from the Delta variant.

· There was one new death reported due to COVID-19 in the 20912 zip code, bringing the zip code's total to 40 since the start of the pandemic.

For County vaccines use this site: https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/covid19/vaccine/. You can also register at the State Vaccine Website, which has details on where to get vaccinated without an appointment. For testing options see the Montgomery County Testing Sites


Official City Re-opening Schedule. For details on the re-opening of City facilities, including the Library’s in-person re-opening on July 6, plus details on the availability of notary and passport services, see this blog: https://takomaparkmd.gov/news-alert/takoma-park-reopening-schedule/. Note that masks are still required in City facility lobbies and areas with children’s programming.

City Manager Transition. We said farewell to Suzanne Ludlow at last week’s Council meeting: https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/agendas/2021/council-20210630-1.pdf. The session included a video tribute to Suzanne, which can be seen starting at the 26:30 mark in this link: https://takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/meetings-and-documents/city-council-video/. Our new City Manager, Jamal Fox, will be starting on August 2, and Deputy City Manager Jessica Clarke is serving as Acting Manager for the next few weeks. For all the transition details see this blog:  https://takomaparkmd.gov/news-alert/city-manager-transition/

Reimaging Public Safety Task Force Presentation on July 13. The Task Force will be formally presenting its recommendations to the Council at a special session which starts at 6:30 PM. Mark your calendars now -- the remote viewing information will be provided in a few days. For Task Force background, including session recordings and minutes, use this link: https://takomaparkmd.gov/initiatives/project-directory/reimagining-public-safety/

Holton Lane Affordable Housing Property Acquisition:  https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/agendas/2021/council-20210623-5.pdf. This was a late addition to the June 23 Council meeting agenda, which I neglected to mention in my blog for the June 30 meeting. It involved the City contributing approximately $270,000 from our Housing Reserve toward the purchase of a single family home for renovation with one of our affordable housing partners. The ultimate goal -- consistent with the guidelines in our housing strategic plan -- is to make the property available for “missing middle” housing: opportunities that falls between costly (and increasingly unaffordable) large single family houses and rental apartments. The property in question was held by a bank, and it became available with little advance notice, which is why this agenda item was a late addition. I was glad to join all of my Council colleagues in voting to go forward with the project.

New Stormwater Fee Mailing. Residents have begun to receive mailings from the City government describing the new stormwater fee structure and providing details on the specific fee amount your property will be charged under the new structure. While this is something the Council has discussed for a couple of years, there are no doubt many questions. For details beyond what’s in the mailing, take a look at the FAQs posted in the City website: https://takomaparkmd.gov/government/public-works/stormwater-management-program/stormwater-fees-frequently-asked-questions-faq/. You can see an interactive map, with the details for each property here: https://takomaparkmd.gov/government/public-works/stormwater-management-program/. Residents who wish to appeal their fee may do so by using this form: https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/public-works/stormwater-projects/StormwaterFee-Request-for-Correction.pdf. Questions can be directed to publicworks@takomaparkmd.gov.

Parking Permit Renewals. Unless you have a two-year permit, your permit expired at the end of June, and you could get a ticket. For information on how to renew your permit: https://takomaparkmd.gov/government/police/permit-area-parking/

Takoma Park Youth Council Applications.  Applications for the 2021 - 2022 school year are open. Apply at http://bit.ly/youth-council-app by July 11. The Youth Council meets every two weeks to discuss issues pertaining to City youth and to plan events giving youth opportunities to engage with their community. Open to City residents who are rising 7th - 12th graders. 

Takoma Park Street Festival. The 40th Annual Takoma Park Street Festival will be live and in-person on Sunday, October 3 from 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM, rain or shine. City streets will be filled with artisans, community groups, green companies, food vendors and live music. You can apply here.  Details on booth fees, vendor guidelines and more are on the festival website


Grant Application for Development of 6530 and 6600 New Hampshire Avenue:  https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/agendas/2021/council-20210707-1-rev.pdf. I’ll be voting in favor of submitting this application for a State revitalization grant, which will be used to contribute to the purchase and redevelopment of these two vacant, derelict properties. The effort will be undertaken in collaboration with an outside partner.

Minor Master Plan Boundaries Resolution:  https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/agendas/2021/council-20120707-2.pdf. With the departure of Washington Adventist Hospital, the area where it was located is potentially available for redevelopment options, which would likely require re-zoning. As a result, the County Planning Office is working on a Minor Master Plan Amendment (which is distinct from the City-wide master plan adopted in 2000). The Amendment could lead to changes in the kinds of structures and other development that would be permitted in the affected area.

In addition to the former hospital site, the proposed Minor Master Plan includes the area where Washington Adventist University is located, plus multi-family residential areas on and near Maple Avenue, City facilities, some small commercial areas, parks, and Piney Branch Elementary School. You can see a map of the area here: https://takomaparkmd.gov/government/housing-and-community-development/planning-and-community-development/minor-master-plan/. While many of these components of the Plan area might not end up having any zoning changes -- and even those that do wouldn’t necessarily be redeveloped -- I think it makes sense to include them in the review process. That process will unfold over the next two years or so and will feature a number of County-led opportunities for public engagement. The City Council held a special session on the Minor Master Plan (which I was unable to attend) on June 14. You can see the County staff presentation and the Council discussion through this link: https://takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/meetings-and-documents/city-council-video/

I would note that the proposed Minor Master Plan area doesn’t include residential parts of Ward One, though it abuts several. In that regard, the resolution on which the Council will be voting calls on the County to “conduct community engagement that involves the residents and properties that are outside the Boundary Area but also impacted by the use of and connectivity with the Boundary Area.” I plan to vote in favor of the resolution.


Presentation and Discussion of 2022 and 2024 Election Options:  https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/agendas/2021/council-20210707-3.pdf. The City Board of Elections will be making a presentation concerning plans for the 2022 and 2024 elections. With the switch in the date for our local elections so they now coincide with the even-year votes for other elections in Maryland, the Board has considered various options for our next elections. They are recommending going with a vote-by-mail election in 2022, as we did last year. This will be an initial opportunity for the Council and residents to weigh in on that idea. As a reminder, Takoma Park can’t fully integrate with the County election ballots (which include Federal and State elections), given our ranked choice voting system and the participation in our local elections of 16 and 17 year-olds and non-citizen residents.

Contract for Redistricting Consultant:  https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/agendas/2021/council-20210707-4.pdf. With updated Census data becoming available this fall, the City will need to consider whether any changes should be made to the Ward boundaries. The Council agreed to work with an outside contractor as part of that process, and the City received five responses to the RFP for this work. We’ll be discussing how the re-districting process would work, along with the staff recommendation on which contractor we should choose.

Discussion on Council-Appointed Committees:  https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/agendas/2021/council-20210707-5.pdf. The Council has held a series of discussions concerning reform of our Council-appointed committees, boards and commissions, with the goal of making them more effective and more representative of the City’s diverse population. This week’s discussion — led as the previous ones were by the Council working group composed of Councilmembers Dyballa, Kostiuk and Searcy — will be focused on strategies for improving more diversity in committee membership.

Discussion of Purchasing Code Amendments:  https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/agendas/2021/council-20210707-6.pdf. The Council will be considering a series of changes to our existing purchasing code, an area of our municipal code whch has seen only minimal changes since the year 2000. Among the changes we’ll be considering are proposals to increase the purchase amounts above which Council approval and/or senior staff sign-off would be required, as well as incorporating social equity factors as considerations for procurement specifications.

Please be in touch with questions or comments about any of the topics covered in this blog.

Peter Kovar, Takoma Park City Council, Ward One

240-319-6281; www.councilmemberkovar.com

(He, Him, His)

Important Privacy Notice: All correspondence, including emails, to or from City of Takoma Park agencies, officials, and employees is subject to the Maryland Public Information Act and may be disclosed to the public. 

July 14, 2021 City Council Meeting Agenda & More

June 30 City Council Meeting Agenda & More