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Welcome to my blog, which features frequent updates on local Takoma Park issues, including City Council meeting agendas, plus occasional commentary on national news and politics.

January 26, 2022 City Council Meeting Agenda & More

Dear Neighbors:

Here’s a link to the agenda for the January 26, 2022 City Council meeting: https://takomaparkmd.gov/meeting_agendas/city-council-meeting-agenda-wednesday-january-26-2022/. There are no votes scheduled for this week. The meeting will begin with a Public Hearing on the City’s ARPA spending plans, and the Council will also be discussing ARPA in the work session. In addition, we’ll be discussing a budget amendment and (tentatively) redistricting in the work session. See below for details on these topics.

Sign up for the Public Hearing and/or to give public comments by 5:00 PM on Wednesday: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_qOdX7FU6TYKHTPMKv1DPoQ. The meeting can be viewed on City TV (RCN -- 13, HD 1060; Comcast/xfinity -- 13, HD 997; Verizon Fios -- 28), on the City Council Video Page; on YouTube, or on Facebook.

PUBLIC HEARING ON ARPA (sign up by 5:00 PM on Wednesday):  Earlier this month, City staff presented their report on proposed expenditures for the City’s ARPA funds. We’ve spent or committed $3.9 million of the $17.4 million we’ll be getting under ARPA (half of which we’ve already received). The Council is now considering which of the staff proposals -- along with other possible initiatives -- we should approve, with votes expected in February.

Background Information:  https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/agendas/2022/council-20220126-1and3.pdf

City Staff Draft ARPA Spending Plan:  https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/initiatives/project-directory/ARPA/Staff-RecommendedARPASpendingPlan-1.12.22.pdf

I’d point out that we don’t need to allocate all the funds at this point. The staff recommends holding $1.5 million in reserve, and I support the idea of not committing all the funds right away. In fact, my own view -- which I’ve emphasized in several Council meetings, including last week’s -- is that we should focus at first primarily on expenditures which are aimed at providing urgent or more immediate forms of assistance to those who have been most negatively affected financially or in other ways by COVID or who are most at risk. We could then approve a second tranche of expenditures later this year once we’ve been able to spend more time reviewing some of the other proposals, as well as holding additional funds in reserve.

My main concern is that if we take on everything in the staff report at once, the release of funding for the more immediate needs may be delayed. I also think it’s important for us to look carefully at the data behind some of the proposed amounts in the staff report. And even if the funds would clearly serve a useful purpose, we should take the time to determine how much can realistically be spent in the first year and subsequently. This could mean in some cases increasing proposed allocations put forward by staff and in other cases decreasing them. In addition, there are some areas of potential funding, not currently in the staff report, which I’d like us to explore adding.

With those thoughts in mind, in last week’s meeting I recommended that we: clarify that local NGOs be able to apply for funds through the proposed community grant program (while also lowering the program’s funding level from the suggested $1.2 million); increase the funding for small business grants (currently at $150,000); hold off on the Maple Avenue Complete Street project until we make decisions on, and set time tables for, other proposed construction projects in the same general area (the Library renovation and the Community Center Atrium project); require landlords or property managers to maintain rent affordability as a condition of receiving ARPA assistance for building repairs or energy efficiency upgrades; include additional funds to address hunger relief and food insecurity beyond the $250,000 previously approved; explore the possibility of providing direct financial assistance with no strings attached to lower income residents; and allocate funds for stormwater infrastructure improvements.

I look forward to discussing these and related ideas for using our ARPA dollars in the next few weeks, including in the work session later in this meeting. Meanwhile, the Public Hearing is an important opportunity for residents to make their views known on potential uses of these funds. Our ARPA allocation represents a one-time financial infusion equal to roughly half of our annual budget, so this is a unique moment for Takoma Park, and we really want to hear from residents. If you’re unable to speak in the Public Hearing, you’ll be able to offer your opinion during public comment periods in upcoming Council meetings. And of course you can contact me directly as well.


Per City staff, Montgomery County unfortunately still cannot provide data for the COVID-19 Data Dashboard due to the effects of the hack of the Maryland Department of Public Health. Staff are trying to get a better sense from the County on when new data might become available. In the meantime, here is an update staff provided on the County and the 20912 zip code:

· In the last week, there were 180 new cases of COVID-19 reported in the 20912 zip code, a 50% decrease in new cases since the previous week and the lowest weekly number of new-cases since December 18 - 24. In the last 14 days, new cases are down 42% in Montgomery County, hospitalizations are up 88% (hospitalizations tend to lag cases, so this is to be expected after the case surges before this week) and the test-positivity rate is 26%. Cases are also down 54% in nearby DC, and down 43% across Maryland.

· Since last week, the 20912 zip code's at-least first dose vaccination rate increased 0.8% to 75% and the fully-vaccinated rate increased 0.5% to 65.4%.

· There were no new deaths due to COVID-19 reported in the 20912 zip code since last week.

Free Home Test Kits Available Through the Montgomery County Library System: https://www2.montgomerycountymd.gov/mcgportalapps/Press_Detail.aspx?Item_ID=39792

Other Important COVID resources: Vaccines for children ages 5 - 11: https://takomaparkmd.gov/news-alert/covid-19-vaccines-are-now-available-for-children-aged-5-11/; vaccines for those who are 12 and older: https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/covid19/vaccine/ or State Vaccine Website; Testing: Montgomery County Testing Sites; Food aid: Submit an online request for help with food resources or call 240-777-0311.

Financial Assistance with Water, Gas, and Electric Bills:
The City is partnering with the Salvation Army to help residents with utility bills. Send an email to: housing @takomaparkmd.gov or call 301-891-7119.


Council Vote on City Council Procedures:  In last week’s meeting, the Council approved on a 7 - 0 vote the resolution revising Council procedures. I had mentioned in last week’s blog a number of the key changes incorporated into the resolution (you can see them under “Voting Session” here: https://takomaparkmd.gov/public-notices/new-2022-assessed-real-property-values-are-here/). Prior to the final vote last week we approved an amendment shifting the responsibility from the Mayor to the City Clerk for receiving and approving resident requests to present electronic documents or information as part of public comments. We also had a lengthy discussion on public comments at non-regular Council meetings (e.g. special budget meetings, Council priority-setting sessions, etc.). Per the advice of the City Attorney, we are holding off on making final decisions on that point until we can review and potentially revise the City Code and Charter, where there’s some ambiguity around this issue. So for now, the resolution as adopted specifies that such meetings might not have time allotted for public comments or may require sign-up ahead of time for public comments.

Takoma Junction Development on January 27 County Planning Board Agenda: https://montgomeryplanningboard.org/agenda-item/january-27-2022/. The Board is scheduled to discuss and vote on the Junction development plan.

Free Tax Preparation Assistance Starting February 16:  https://takomaparkmd.gov/public-notices/rsvp-aarp-free-tax-aide-program/. In partnership with AmeriCorps Seniors and AARP, Montgomery County is offering free tax preparation assistance for low and moderate income residents. Appointment scheduling starts on February 7.

Spring Plant-A-Tree Orders Accepted Through February 21: https://takomaparkmd.gov/government/public-works/tree-care-and-resources/. The City offers discounted tree plantings for private property for the spring and fall planting seasons. This program is focused on native shade trees.

Information on Property Tax Assessments:  https://takomaparkmd.gov/public-notices/new-2022-assessed-real-property-values-are-here. As I’ve noted in previous blogs, residents began receiving their updated property tax assessments this month. The above most recent property tax statement posted on the Takoma Park website includes access to details on how to appeal your assessment as well as links to interactive maps showing the values for properties in the City and how they have changed since the last assessment three years ago.


Budget Amendment:  https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/agendas/2022/council-20220126-2r2.pdf. The Council periodically votes on adjustments to the approved City budget to reflect changes which occur within a fiscal year, often due to expenditure alterations caused by staff shortages or delays in project implementation, as well as unanticipated cost increases. In this case, staff has assembled a list of increases and decreases with a net impact of an additional $114,000 in expenditures. Next month, once we reach an agreement on our ARPA plan, we’ll need to approve a much larger budget amendment to account for the spending we agree to as part of that plan.

ARPA Spending Plan:  See the above discussion and links under Public Hearing.

Redistricting (tentative agenda item): The Council is expected to vote on a final revised Ward map in late February. As of last week, the Council was reviewing two maps developed by our outside consultant, though it’s unlikely either of those will end up as the precise final version. I anticipate the Council will make changes. See the redistricting discussion in last week’s blog for more details and to see the maps: http://www.councilmemberkovar.com/blog/2022/1/18/january-19-2022-city-council-meeting-agenda-amp-more

Of particular note, because the draft maps are drawn based on Census Blocks -- which helps ensure we have accurate population and demographic information for Wards -- in some cases that means neighborhoods or streets which are currently in the same Ward could end up being divided between two Wards. I’m hopeful that, in at least a few cases, the Council may agree to exceptions to the Census Block principle in order to keep neighborhoods together. One example I’m seeking to address is to keep Darwin Avenue and 8 homes on the north side of Grant Avenue in Ward 1 rather than shifting them to Ward 4, which would be the case if we went with Census Blocks. The affected homes (19 in all) would be physically divided from Ward 4’s residential parts by the parks and schools in the area. I think it makes sense to keep them with the rest of the Hodges Heights neighborhood in Ward 1, as called for in a petition from residents.

Other proposed changes to Ward 1 under consideration include shifting the businesses on the east side of Carroll Avenue (Republic, Ace Hardware, etc.) plus those on Laurel Avenue into Ward 3; moving Victory Tower and the adjacent apartment building plus the homes along Carroll between Columbia Avenue and the Fire Station into Ward 3; and adding several blocks near Takoma Junction including the commercial strip across from the Co-op into Ward 1. I’d prefer to keep Ward 1’s borders close to what they currently are, and I’m exploring options along those lines with regard to the above proposed changes. But there’s no doubt there will be some modifications to Ward 1’s boundaries. I appreciate having heard from all the residents who participated in the redistricting public meeting I hosted this past Thursday, and I encourage those who are interested to let me know your thoughts on the various re-mapping options.

Please be in touch if you have questions or comments about the topics covered in this blog.

Peter Kovar, Takoma Park City Council, Ward One

240-319-6281; www.councilmemberkovar.com

(He, Him, His)

Important Privacy Notice: All correspondence, including emails, to or from City of Takoma Park agencies, officials, and employees is subject to the Maryland Public Information Act and may be disclosed to the public. 

February 2, 2022 City Council Meeting & More

January 19, 2022 City Council Meeting Agenda & More