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Welcome to my blog, which features frequent updates on local Takoma Park issues, including City Council meeting agendas, plus occasional commentary on national news and politics.

Redistricting Message -- Initially Circulated on January 7, 2022

Dear Neighbors:

As I’ve outlined in previous messages, Takoma Park will be redrawing its Ward boundaries, based on population changes determined by the 2020 Census. This coming Monday and Tuesday evenings (January 10 and 11), the City is hosting Community Listening Sessions on redistricting. To register and for more details: https://takomaparkmd.gov/news-alert/participate-in-ward-redistricting-meetings/

The City has contracted with FLO Dynamics and Bloom Planning to help revise the existing Ward boundaries. The current plan is for revised draft maps to be presented at the January 19 Council meeting, and for the new maps to be finalized by late February. So far, FLO Dynamics has developed 5 initial map options, which aim at meeting criteria established in this resolution:  https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/resolutions/2021/resolution-2021-32.pdf.

You can see the 5 maps and related demographic material here:  https://takomaparkmd.gov/initiatives/project-directory/redistricting/. Note these are not the only possible options. Based on resident comments, the Council can revise these maps or produce new ones. So residents should treat the maps as drafts, and feel free to come up with their own proposals, using the modeling tool included with the maps. 

The maps were prepared without dividing Census blocks, an approach which ensures the most accurate demographic data is used. It also means some streets where both sides have been in a single Ward -- like Philadelphia Ave. and parts of Carroll Ave. — could be divided into different Wards. Some other potential Ward One changes include splitting the Old Town commercial area into two Wards, shifting some or all of Hodges Heights out of Ward One, adding areas around Takoma Junction to Ward One, and other adjustments around PEN's border.

My preference would be to keep Ward One’s boundaries as close to the current borders as possible, but some change is inevitable, and I also have to consider what makes sense for the other Wards. I’d welcome feedback and recommendations on how best to draw the new borders. In particular, if there are sections of Ward One or other parts of the City which you believe should stay together, please let me know. If you have questions, please consider registering for either the January 10 or 11 listening sessions. I’ll also be hosting a Ward One redistricting meeting this month (details to be provided soon).

January 12, 2022 City Council Meeting Agenda & More

City Council Schedule in January and February 2022