Dear Neighbors:
Here’s a link to the agenda for the October 26, 2022 City Council meeting: We’ll be voting on the City Charter amendments on which we took initial votes earlier this month, plus there are votes on an appointment to the Commission on Landlord-Tenant Affairs; the Pedestrian and Transportation Safety Resolution; a contract with labor relations consultant Collaborative Strategies; and a human resources services contract. For more information on the agenda items see below.
This is the final Council meeting before the election. We’ll meet on November 16 to receive the official election results, and the new Council will be formally sworn in on November 21. So this week will be the final regular Council meeting in which I participate. I’ll be talking more about my tenure on the Council separately. For now, I’ll limit my comments to expressing my thanks and appreciation to Ward One residents for not only giving me the opportunity to serve on the Council, but for maintaining a robust ongoing conversation with me about all aspects of City government. We didn’t necessarily agree on everything, but Ward One could always be counted on be engaged and to ask questions and offer opinions which helped make me a better representative. I’m looking forward to continuing as an active member of the community from the other side of the dais.
There are two ways to comment at the meeting: speaking in-person at the Community Center or commenting remotely. That second option requires sign-up by 5:00 PM on the meeting day: You can watch the meeting on City TV (RCN -- 13, HD 1060; Comcast/xfinity -- 13, HD 997; Verizon Fios -- 28), on the City Council Video Page; on YouTube, or on Facebook.
Election Day, with local races for Mayor and City Council, is Tuesday, November 8. The election will be conducted primarily by mail-in ballots. Voters can also place their ballots in drop boxes at the Community Center and the New Hampshire Avenue Recreation Center, or vote in-person at the Community Center on Election Day. Most residents have received their mail-in ballots. If you haven’t received a ballot, send an email to: For more on the election, including who the candidates are, how to register, how ranked choice voting works, etc., use this link: You can see recordings of City-sponsored candidate forums here:
Please note that the Takoma Park election is separate from the State of Maryland election, which includes races for Governor and other statewide positions; State Senate and Delegates; County Executive, County Council and other County positions; and U.S. Congress. You can find information on the State election, including early voting locations, polling places and more, here: There’s a State drop box also at the Community Center. Other State drop box locations are listed here: For those who vote in-person on Election Day, the polling places for the Maryland and Takoma Park elections will be different.
Tree Canopy Presentation: Roughly every three years Takoma Park contracts with the University of Vermont Spatial Analysis Laboratory to conduct an assessment of the City’s tree canopy. This important information helps us gain a more long-term sense of our tree canopy’s health, and also informs our urban forest policy making. This year’s results indicate that there has been a modest decline in tree canopy, a trend the Council will have to monitor very carefully going forward. You can see the presentation and Council questions starting at the 5:30 mark in the October 19 video here:
Direct Cash Assistance Program Goes Live on October 25: This ARPA-funded program, under which eligible residents will be able to receive one-time $1,000 grants, launches on the 25th at 8:30 AM. The webpage includes the application, eligibility requirements, income tax details, a dashboard which will automatically update once a day, and translation information.
The Village of Takoma Park is Seeking Volunteer Drivers: This local non-profit group helps seniors age in place by providing support in the form of rides, friendly visits, small home repairs and senior strolls. A new drivers orientation will be held online on November 3 from 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM. Call 301-646-2109 to reserve a spot.
Home Tree Care 101, October 29, 10:00 AM - Noon, $25 Participation Fee: Conservation Montgomery is offering a Home Tree Care 101 class at the Thomas Siegler House and Garden (205 Tulip Avenue). In the class, a Conservation Montgomery arborist will discuss a variety of topics on tree care.
Monster Bash, Saturday, October 29, 1:00 - 5:00 PM: This yearly Halloween season event includes as always the Costume Parade and Contest, plus entertainment, games and more.
Charter Amendments: We’ll take final votes on two Charter amendments which would remove the requirement for the City to have a Personnel Appeals Board (thereby bringing the Charter into conformity with the Council’s decision to eliminate the Board), and make some administrative changes primarily to align the Charter with recent State law modifications concerning how far in advance potential changes need to be announced, how quickly they can be implemented after Council votes, etc. I’ll be voting in favor of both.
COLTA Appointment: I’ll be voting for the appointment.
Pedestrian and Transportation Safety Resolution: In 2021 the City’s Complete Safe Streets Committee issued a report with recommendations on pedestrian and bicycle safety and related issues. Regrettably, the COVID pandemic and shifts in staffing, among other factors, contributed to delays in consideration of the recommendations. Earlier this month, City staff made a presentation on the recommendations and gave an overview of relevant City, County and State policies. While there isn’t sufficient time for the outgoing Council to implement the recommendations, we’ll be voting on a resolution calling for action in key areas, with the hope the document can form the basis for future staff and Council initiatives. I will be voting yes. I’d add that I’m pleased stronger language I proposed calling for frequent consultation with the State Highway Administration about safety on the roadways they control has been included in the resolution.
Collaborative Strategies Contract: The resolution calls for a contract with Collaborative Strategies, with the goal of improving relations with AFSCME, one of the unions representing City employees. I’m supportive of this idea, and I’ll be voting for the resolution.
Human Resources Contract: The background material was not available as of the posting of this blog. By way of background, we had previously approved a contract for Human Resources services with Paycom. Negotiations to finalize the contract faced some complications which seemed likely to derail the contract, but the problems have apparently now been worked out.
For information on vaccine appointments go to: or State Vaccine Website; for testing: Montgomery County Testing Sites; for food aid: Submit an online request for help with food resources or call 240-777-0311. For help with housing, utility bills, etc. send an email to housing or call 301-891-7119. Masks and testing kits can be picked up at the main reception desk in the Community Center.
As always, let me know if you have questions or comments about anything in this blog.
Peter Kovar, Takoma Park City Council, Ward One
(He, Him, His)
Important Privacy Notice: All correspondence, including emails, to or from City of Takoma Park agencies, officials, and employees is subject to the Maryland Public Information Act and may be disclosed to the public.