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Welcome to my blog, which features frequent updates on local Takoma Park issues, including City Council meeting agendas, plus occasional commentary on national news and politics.

March 2, 2022 City Council Meeting Agenda & More

Dear Neighbors:

Here’s a link to the March 2, 2022 City Council meeting agenda: https://takomaparkmd.gov/meeting_agendas/city-council-meeting-agenda-wednesday-march-2-2022/. The Council will be taking its final vote on the City’s ARPA spending plan, and the first of two votes on the Ward redistricting plan. In addition, we’ll be voting on traffic calming measures on Glenside Drive, Prince Georges Avenue, and Fourth Avenue. The work session will cover procurement of Police mobile data terminals. The meeting will start with a proclamation on Women’s History Month. For information on the agenda items see below.

Starting with the Council meeting on March 9, we’ll return to in-person meetings in the Council chamber, though residents will still be able to comment remotely. The technology for this hybrid approach may take some getting used to, but I’m looking forward to returning to in-person meetings after about two years of conducting them remotely.

Sign up to speak remotely during the public comment period by 5:00 PM on the day of the meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_YuH8Z1FpRbm1MnpqUDQ3tw. Those who wish to comment in-person in the Council chamber won’t need to sign up in advance. The meeting can be viewed on City TV (RCN -- 13, HD 1060; Comcast/xfinity -- 13, HD 997; Verizon Fios -- 28), on the City Council Video Page; on YouTube, or on Facebook.

Women’s History Month Proclamation:  https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/mayoral-proclamations/2022/pr20220302_Womens-History-Month.pdf


The City’s COVID dashboard has been updated effective February 24: https://takomapark.shinyapps.io/covid_dashboard/. Key data points noted by City staff:

·       There were 17 new cases of COVID-19 reported in the 20912 zip code between 2/18 and 2/24. This represents the lowest 120-day new case total since the week of 11/26 to 12/02. This is also an 85.2% decline from the previous week's high total of 115 new cases.

·       Last week's total was unusually high because of a data anomaly in which 97 new cases were reported on the same day, but likely tested positive on other days. The 17 new cases reported this week are more in-line with trends from previous weeks. New cases are down 39% over the last 14 days in Montgomery County, hospitalizations down 47%, and the test positivity rate is at 3%. It's worth noting that despite the encouraging decline in cases since the peaks of January, case rates in the County are still at high levels, based on CDC guidance.

·       The 20912 zip code’s at least partially vaccinated percentage increased to 77% from 76.8%, and the fully vaccinated percentage increased to 67.1% from 66.8%.

·       We have requested vaccination data on the City from the County for our monthly update to that data, and will provide that information once it's available.

·       The County has not yet updated its zip code level deaths due to COVID-19 data since 2/17, so the total remains at 48 in the 20912 zip code.

Mask and Testing Kit Distribution: https://takomaparkmd.gov/public-notices/covid-19-rapid-test-kits-and-kn95-masks-available-now/. The Takoma Park Library is continuing to distribute N95 masks and COVID rapid testing kits during all open hours.

Mask Mandate Continues in City Buildings:  https://takomaparkmd.gov/public-notices/mask-mandate-continues-in-city-buildings-and-facilities-until-further-notice/. The mask requirement remains in place for City buildings and facilities.

Free COVID Testing at the Rec Center on New Hampshire Avenue:  This program will continue through March. Testing is available every Wednesday from 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM. No appointments are needed.

Other Important COVID resources: Vaccines for children ages 5 - 11: https://takomaparkmd.gov/news-alert/covid-19-vaccines-are-now-available-for-children-aged-5-11/; for information on vaccines for those who are 12 years of age and older: https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/covid19/vaccine/ or State Vaccine Website; Testing: Montgomery County Testing Sites; Food aid: Submit an online request for help with food resources or call 240-777-0311. The City is also partnering with the Salvation Army to help residents with water, gas and electric bills. Send an email to: housing @takomaparkmd.gov or call 301-891-7119.


Montgomery County Go Electric Event -- March 19, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM: https://mygreenmontgomery.org/2022/goelectric/. This event, which will take place at Montgomery College in Rockville, includes recycling of gas yard equipment and small appliances, information on discounts and rebates for purchase of electric leaf blowers, a lightbulb exchange, sustainable food, and much more.

Air Quality Poster Contest for Local Students:  https://cleanairpartners.net/contest. The organization Clean Air Partners is sponsoring a poster contest for local middle and elementary students. The purpose of the contest is to engage students and educators to study and actively pursue solutions to air pollution and climate change. Students in grades 4 - 8 are invited to submit a creative poster that brings to light solutions to air pollution and climate change and inspires people to take action to improve our region’s air quality. Deadline for entries is March 25.

Silver Spring Intermediate Neighborhood Park Construction Update: https://montgomeryparks.org/projects/directory/silver-spring-intermediate-neighborhood-park-improvement-plan/. The park (located between Philadelphia and Boston Avenues near Montgomery College) closed for renovations in December 2021. The playground will remain open during most of the work period. The construction is expected to take 12 months.

Dance Exchange Programs in March: Dance Exchange (located at 7117 Maple Ave) has announced that its in-person programming for youth and families is returning in March. Youth ages 8 - 12 are invited to join Youth Exchange on Wednesdays from 4:20 - 5:20 PM (starting March 16; registration required). People of all ages are invited to participate in Takoma Park MOVES on Saturdays from 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (starts March 26; drop-ins welcome). Learn more at danceexchange.org

Folk Festival Volunteers: https://www.tpff.org/. The organizers of this year’s festival (which will take place in September) are seeking volunteers to help plan various aspects of the event.

Applications for Community Quality of Life Grants, March 16 Deadline: https://takomaparkmd.gov/public-notices/city-of-takoma-park-community-quality-of-life-grant-program-now-accepting-applications/. These grants -- up to $10,000 -- are for projects providing access to arts and sciences. The City encourages applications for programs that promote workforce development and entrepreneurial skills for low and moderate income residents.

Free Tax Preparation Assistance:  https://takomaparkmd.gov/public-notices/rsvp-aarp-free-tax-aide-program/. In partnership with AmeriCorps Seniors and AARP, the County is offering free tax preparation help for low and moderate income residents.

Online Conversation on Former Adventist Hospital Site Master Plan:  Climate Action Coffee will host an online conversation about the Master Plan Amendment with County and City officials on March 3, 7:00 - 8:30 PM. County and City staff will inform residents about the planning process for re-envisioning the site and the surrounding area. County planners will also make a presentation on this topic to the City Council on March 9. For more background visit the County Planning Board webpage. To participate in the March 3 meeting use this Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88246766222?pwd=TzRPNkt0a09sbzRoMFpTdTZITU9ZZz09


Redistricting: A majority of the Council has expressed support for map option Y. You can see that map and related information by scrolling down to “Redistricting Plan and Draft Ordinance” in last week’s Council meeting agenda: https://takomaparkmd.gov/meeting_agendas/city-council-meeting-agenda-wednesday-february-23-2022/. The Council agreed in principle last week to the idea of incorporating in the redistricting plan an estimate of the number of students who will be living on campus at Washington Adventist University. (Due to COVID no students were on campus when the Census was conducted, which produced an unrealistically low count in that area). I plan to vote in favor of option Y with that addition. The final vote would happen in next week’s meeting. For my most recent statement on this topic scroll to “Redistricting” here: http://www.councilmemberkovar.com/blog/2022/2/22/february-23-city-council-meeting-agenda-amp-more

ARPA Spending Plan:  https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/agendas/2022/council-20220302-2.pdf. In last week’s meeting the Council adopted a number of amendments to the ARPA spending plan before approving it on a 7 - 0 vote. Several amendments I proposed were passed, as follows: clarifying in Section 5 the timing of work on the ARPA plan vis a vis the City budget; adding Section 6 to initially have monthly rather than quarterly reviews by the Council of certain key projects; eliminating funding for the business incubator project if the City hasn’t identified relevant partners for the project within 18 months (Section 8); and specifying that of the $3 million provided in the plan for the Social Services Partnership program, $2.3 million will be allocated for direct payments to residents with low incomes or who are facing barriers accessing social services These amendments built on the work of Councilmember Dyballa (on the frequency of Council review) and Mayor Stewart (the direct payments program). Also, on the direct payment language, I coordinated closely with the leader of the local Presbyterian Church group which was pushing for higher funding.

I would also note that, while we agreed previously to put the funds for the Library on hold, now -- due to an amendment from Councilmember Dyballa, which I supported -- there will be a more intensive examination by the Council of the project’s costs and possible construction alternatives (Section 7). In addition, the Library project (along with the Community Center Atrium project and the Rec Center project, plus the Social Services Partnership program) will be subject to the monthly Council review in Section 6. I think that’s an appropriate way to handle the Library -- once we have a better understanding of the project’s cost (and also the stormwater impacts), we’ll be in a better position to decide how to proceed.

There are other aspects of the spending plan I don’t agree with, including going forward with the Atrium plan, which I voted against including in the plan (though at least it will have the monthly reviews), as well as funding cuts in the Multi-Family Rehabilitation program and the Energy Efficiency program (I voted against those cuts). Despite those downsides, I think that -- on balance and with the addition of the amendments described above -- the plan will be very beneficial for the City, and I do plan to vote in favor of it in this week’s final vote.

Traffic Calming:  https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/agendas/2022/council--20220302-3-4-5.pdf. On these votes, I’ll be deferring to my colleagues from the relevant Wards. As far as I’m aware, they are supportive.


Procurement of Police Mobile Data Terminals:  https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/agendas/2022/council-20220302-6.pdf. This purchase, in the amount of $148,000, is included in the current fiscal year’s budget.

Please be in touch with questions or comments about any topics covered in this week’s blog.

Peter Kovar, Takoma Park City Council, Ward One

240-319-6281; www.councilmemberkovar.com

(He, Him, His)

Important Privacy Notice: All correspondence, including emails, to or from City of Takoma Park agencies, officials, and employees is subject to the Maryland Public Information Act and may be disclosed to the public. 

March 9, 2022 City Council Meeting Agenda & More

February 23 City Council Meeting Agenda & More