Dear Neighbors:
Here’s a link to the agenda for the May 11, 2022 City Council meeting: We’ll be taking the second and final vote on the budget amendment to which we gave initial approval last week, and then there will be first reading votes on the City’s property tax, stormwater management budget, and the overall City budget for Fiscal Year 2023 (which begins on July 1). The final votes on the property tax, stormwater budget, and overall budget are set for May 18. This week’s meeting also includes proclamations on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Day and Bike to Work Day. For more on the agenda items see below.
You can make public comments by coming to the Community Center auditorium at 7:30 PM (no advance sign-up needed) or remotely via Zoom (sign-up by 5:00 PM on the day of the meeting): You can watch the meeting on City TV (RCN -- 13, HD 1060; Comcast/xfinity -- 13, HD 997; Verizon Fios -- 28), on the City Council Video Page; on YouTube, or on Facebook.
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Day Proclamation:
Bike to Work Day Proclamation:
The City’s COVID-19 Dashboard is updated through May 5: Per City staff, as of May 5, Montgomery County's Community Level (a CDC measure based on COVID-19 transmission, hospital-bed occupancy due to COVID, and hospital admissions due to COVID) remains "Low". Hospital-bed occupancy by COVID-19 patients remained low at 2%, and hospital admissions per 100,000 residents over the last 7 days remained low, but increased slightly from 3.2 to 4.2. For updates, see the County site: The 20912 Zip Code’s fully vaccinated rate remained stable at 70.1%, and the at least partially vaccinated rate remained stable at 79.8%. There were no new deaths due to COVID-19 in the 20912 Zip Code.
COVID Testing at the New Hampshire Avenue Recreation Center: Every Wednesday this month, 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM. Home test kits and a mask will be given to each person after testing.
Mask/Testing Kit Distribution: The Takoma Park Library is continuing to distribute N95 masks and COVID rapid testing kits during all open hours.
Other COVID resources: Vaccines for children ages 5 - 11:; vaccines for people who are 12 and older: or State Vaccine Website; Testing: Montgomery County Testing Sites; Food aid: Submit an online request for help with food resources or call 240-777-0311. The City is partnering with the Salvation Army to help residents with utility bills: email to housing or call 301-891-7119.
In our final Monday budget session on May 2, the Council worked through the budget reconciliation process, by which we make various changes to the City Manager’s proposed budget. Based on the changes we agreed to, City staff will revise the budget documents, and we’ll then take formal votes on the budget, property tax rate, and stormwater budget in our May 11 and May 18 Council meetings. I’m pleased the Council did agree to a series of spending cuts with a net reduction of slightly over $800,000, a total sufficient to keep the property tax rate unchanged. But I would have preferred to reduce spending further in order to move the rate lower. While I put forward several proposals to do that, they didn’t have support on the Council. You can see the Reconciliation list through the following link (scroll to the second bullet under May 2 and click on the PDF or Excel spreadsheet):
The spending cuts which were approved (all of which I supported) included: reducing the budget for traffic safety improvements by $300,000 and covering that amount with excess speed camera revenues; shifting $463,000 in surplus ARPA funds into the budget for capital projects; reducing the financial forecasting contract by $40,000; eliminating the Police K-9 program for a savings of $32,000; reducing the Facilities Maintenance Reserve account by $72,000; and cutting the tree fund by $20,000. Balanced out with $125,000 more for legal expenses, that’s a net savings of $802,000. As noted, that enables the property tax rate to be brought back to the current rate.
I’ve mentioned before that, even if the tax rate stays at the current level, with the large re-assessments many residents are seeing some homeowners will face tax increases of hundreds of dollars or more. And, with the County tax rate also likely to remain at its current level, many homeowners will have tax hikes there, too. The County property rate is higher than the Takoma Park rate, so the impact will be significant for many. It was my concern about the impact of even a flat tax rate in the City in terms of affordability -- especially for low and moderate income residents -- which led me to propose the additional spending cuts.
To be specific, I proposed eliminating spending for: sidewalk replacement on City streets ($160,000); sidewalk replacement on City roads controlled by the State Highway Administration ($350,000); this year’s contribution to the Housing Reserve ($100,000); and the $100,000 proposed for commercial corridor improvements, Those proposed cuts added up to $710,000, an amount which would have enabled us to reduce the tax rate toward Constant Yield (the rate at which the City is estimated to bring in the same amount of revenue from the property tax next year as in the current year). As noted above, my proposals weren’t approved.
I’d add that I don’t disagree fundamentally with those four expenditures. Rather, I felt that we are or could be covering much of the same purposes of the housing reserve funds and the commercial corridor funds with ARPA monies. In addition, even though the budget amendment we’re voting on this week also cuts funds for sidewalks, I thought that was an example of a capital expense we could forego next year in the service of a lower tax rate.
In any case, I don’t anticipate any significant changes from what I’ve described above when we vote on the budget and tax rate this week and next week. Meanwhile, an idea I’m hoping we will pursue -- and I raised this point in our May 2 and May 4 meetings -- is to convene one or more Council sessions on the budget process at a time when we’re not actively considering the annual budget itself. Among other innovations, I’d like to see us adopt a process which, in addition to the City Manager’s primary proposed budget, also includes options for the budget if we had, say, a flat tax rate or Constant Yield. That approach would enable the Council to better weigh budget and tax options. In addition, I was glad to hear a suggestion from the City Manager that we establish a finance committee composed of three Councilmembers who would play a more prominent role in reviewing and perhaps even helping develop the annual budget. I look forward to having an opportunity to discuss ideas along these lines in the near future.
Temporary Street Closures: The Council voted unanimously to approve 6 requests for temporary street closure for public events. All the events are on a Saturday or a Sunday, and on Laurel Avenue, with one exception involving the unit block of Grant Avenue.
Community Center Atrium Renovation: The Council received a presentation from City staff and representatives of the architectural firm on the proposed design for the project to fill in the Atrium on the second floor and add office space and other improvements in the ground floor Police Department facilities. When the Council debated the ARPA spending plan in March, I voted against including this project in the plan, though a majority of the Council disagreed with me. The project is estimated to cost $1.2 million, of which $1 million would come from the City’s ARPA account. However, that estimate needs to be updated, and it’s certainly possible the cost could rise.
I understand the potential value of the project, and under other circumstances I might be supportive. But with the Library renovation likely to start in the coming months, I’m reluctant to have an additional major project going on in the Community Center at the same time. In addition, I would have preferred to save the $1 million in ARPA funds for other purposes. With the project continuing to move ahead, in addition to the challenges connected with simultaneous work on the Atrium and the Library, among the other clarifying points I asked about was getting more information on the stormwater management capacity at the site.
Takoma Metro Station Development Meeting: Tonight (Monday, May 9) at 7:00 PM there will be a presentation about EYA's new proposed design for its planned apartment building at the Takoma Metro Station. Here's the Zoom link: For more details on the project see this link:
Stormwater Fee Credit Program: Last year the Council approved a new stormwater fee system aimed at more accurately assessing how much specific properties contribute to untreated stormwater. The new system also called for partial credits on the fees for property owners who install stormwater management measures. However, it has taken longer than anticipated to develop the credit process. Although the credit system is now set up and the application form is available, it’s too late for the credits to be built into the coming year’s fees. Instead, property owners will unfortunately have to pay the full fee and then later receive a separate payment for the credit. For details on the credit policy see: Stormwater Utility Fee Credit Policy and Guidance Document. For more on the fee, and to access the application form, use this link:
There is also a separate issue relating to faulty County maps which have led to some property owners paying incorrect fee amounts. I had hoped that problem would have been resolved by now, and my understanding is that the County has indicated it will be providing the corrected maps, but the City hasn’t received them yet.
National Bike Month: May is National Bike Month, and Takoma Park is participating in Bike to Work Day on May 20.
Exploring Takoma Stormwater Solutions: This event, hosted by Takoma Stormwater Solutions (, is on Tuesday, May 10 from Noon - 1:30 PM. Ward One’s own Paul Chrostowski will present analysis of recent studies on the City’s stormwater capacity. Zoom link:
Takoma Park Children’s Business Fair: This event was cancelled due to rain this past weekend and is now rescheduled for Saturday, May 14, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM on Laurel Avenue.
Friends of the Takoma Park Library Spring Book Sale: This sale will take place on the Library lawn on Saturday May 14 from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM.
Takoma Park Safe Routes Virtual 5K Run, May 15 - 31: The proceeds from this event will benefit health, fitness, bike, and pedestrian safety activities at five local schools.
Takoma Foundation Azalea Awards: You can nominate members of the Greater Takoma community in 6 categories. Make sure the person is willing, and include details on why they’re deserving. Nominations close May 15 at midnight, after which ballots will be on the Foundation website, with awards presented at a June ceremony. The categories are: COVID Super Hero (someone who rose to the occasion during the pandemic); Youth Leader (an educator, coach or mentor who motivates children to aim high); School Activist (a parent who brings the best to our schools); Business Person (someone who promotes a progressive spirit through local commerce); Neighborhood Volunteer (someone who "walks the walk" at the neighborhood level); Tak-tivist (a civic leader who inspires others by example). Send nominations to:;;;;
Let’s Play America Playground Scavenger Hunt: A fun way for children to learn about play areas in the City.
Budget Amendment: Periodically the Council considers amendments which reflect spending changes due to slower than anticipated work on projects and programs, temporary staff changes, and other factors that may require shifting of funds from one fiscal year to the next. This budget amendment makes a series of changes along those lines and also reflects the use of ARPA funds for programs which had been expected to be covered by the regular budget, plus other program cuts recommended by City staff to help bring down overall spending levels. The amendment’s net impact is over $5 million in budget reductions, though most of that represents spending that will be moved to next fiscal year for the Library project. The remainder -- approximately $936,000 in net reductions -- comes from an array of primarily smaller cuts. I voted in favor of this amendment when we took our first vote on it last week. It was approved at that time 5 - 2. I’ll be voting for it again in this week’s final vote.
Property Tax Rate/Stormwater Management Budget/Overall City Budget: The revised documents, based on the decisions we made in our May 2 Reconciliation session, were not yet available at blog-post time. The key points are outlined in the above update on the May 2 session. There will be three separate votes. I’ll be voting against the property tax rate and the overall budget, based on the concerns about the tax rate I describe in that update. As I review the stormwater budget, I’ll be keeping in mind the complications referred to in the above discussion on the fee system.
Police Vehicle Purchase: The Council discussed this proposed purchase in last week’s Council Work Session. The amount is $73,319. The purchase fits into the City guidelines for vehicle replacement (in this case, the existing vehicle has more than 100,000 miles). Most of the necessary funds were included in the current year’s budget, with $8100 in additional funding needed. I plan to vote in favor of the authorizing resolution.
Feel free to be in touch with questions or comments about any of the topics discussed above.
Peter Kovar, Takoma Park City Council, Ward One
(He, Him, His)
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