Dear Neighbors:
Following a week with no regular Council meeting, we’ll be back to the usual schedule this week, with our Wednesday evening meeting on September 22, 2021. Here’s a link to the agenda: This week we’ll begin at 6:00 PM with a presentation and discussion on the City’s Ward re-districting process. The regular meeting starts at 7:30. We’ll have votes on the following: municipal code amendments relating to Council-appointed committees (with the final vote in the September 29 meeting); a resolution creating a sustainable banking and investment task force; and the purchase of an EV street sweeper. In the work session, there will be discussions on a proposed budget amendment and the establishment of Juneteenth as a municipal holiday. For more details on all of these agenda items see below.
The meeting can be viewed on City TV (RCN -- 13, HD 1060; Comcast/xfinity -- 13, HD 997; Verizon Fios -- 28), on the City Council Video Page; on YouTube, or on Facebook. Register by 5:00 PM on the day of the meeting to speak during the public comment period:
Redistricting Presentation/Work Session: Every ten years, based on the decennial Census, the City conducts a re-districting process to ensure Ward boundaries are fairly drawn and roughly equal in popuation. We have contracted with an outside firm -- FLO Analytics, assisted by Bloom Planning -- to advise the Council on re-districting and help manage the public engagement portion of the work. This week’s presentation marks the beginning of a process anticipated to take several months, concluding in January with adoption of the new boundaries. As an initial step, the Council will establish overall principles for re-districting which will be contained in a resolution we’ll be discussing in this week’s meeting.
The City’s COVID dashboard has been updated effective September 17: There were 14 new COVID cases in the City last week, down from 18 the previous week and more than 20 each of the two weeks before that. There’s information on City resources along with COVID related assistance available from other levels of government and/or non-profit organizations here:
On Saturday, September 25, there will be a vaccination event -- sponsored jointly by the City and the local organization Small Things Matter -- at the Takoma Park Community Center from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM. For more details go to the Small Things Matter website: That site also includes information on the Small Things Matter benefit concert at Takoma Junction on Saturday, October 16 from Noon - 5:00 PM to raise money for their work on food insecurity and other community needs connected to the pandemic.
There’s information on County vaccinations here: It’s also possible to sign up for vaccinations through the State Vaccine Website. For testing options, see the Montgomery County Testing Sites. Tenants facing difficulties paying their rent due may be eligible for County assistance: You can also contact Takoma Park’s Office of Housing and Community Development: And, County residents can Submit an online request for help with food resources or call 240-777-0311.
Applications for Membership on Council-Appointed Committees: As we continue working to reform and standardize procedures relating to our committees (see below), we are also actively recruiting residents to serve on the various panels.
Fall Play Day -- September 25: This fall’s Play Day -- sponsored by Let’s Play America in coordination with the Recreation Department -- will be held on Saturday, September 25, from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM at Takoma Park Middle School. It will be a day of blended virtual and in-person community play. Anyone who would like to suggest ideas or to lead activities should send an email to
Street Festival -- October 3: The 40th Annual Takoma Park Street Festival will take place live and in-person, on Sunday, October 3rd from 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM, rain or shine. This year’s festival will feature booths on only one side of the street to reduce crowding, and will follow COVID protocols for larger outdoor events.
Minor Master Plan for Former Adventist Hospital Site: The County Planning Office is conducting a Minor Master Plan engagement process on possible uses for the hospital site. Some of the ideas that have been suggested include using the site for a new elementary school, a recreation center, housing, a commercial development, or some combination of those options. You can read more about the master plan process, see the schedule for public events, and register your views on possible uses for the site here:
Police Department “Etch and Catch” Catalytic Converter Anti-Theft Program: To help deter would-be thieves and track stolen catalytic converters, the Takoma Park Police Department has teamed up with RS Automotive and Lowe’s to develop a program for etching license plate numbers on converters.
Plant-a-tree Orders Accepted Through October 25: This is an opportunity for residents to purchase reduced price trees for planting on private property.
Council-appointed Committees Code Amendments: As part of the Council’s work to reform and standardize our committees, boards and commissions, we have been considering the sections of the municipal code that need to be amended in order to finalize the committee changes. The proposal calls for retaining some committees, modifying others, and eliminating a few. I’m generally supportive of these changes, though there are two key outstanding areas within the proposed code amendments which I’m looking at more closely.
First, we’re continuing to explore options for restructuring (or possibly sun-setting) the Nuclear Free Committee. I’d like to keep the committee, but in my view some re-thinking of its role makes sense. We should also conduct a thorough study on how to implement the committee’s recommendation to move toward sustainable banking and investment practices which don’t support the nuclear weapons industry. The Council will be voting this week on a resolution to establish a task force for that purpose and to consider the committee’s future role (see below). Otherwise, for now most of the language relating to the Nuclear Free Committee would be retained (though the proposal does call for shifting away from the committee the responsibility for reviewing waivers of the City ban on purchasing from or contracting with companies involved in the nuclear weapons industry).
Second, while we’ve agreed to eliminate the Façade Advisory Board, there may be some standards in the current FAB municipal code relating to the physical appearance of commercial structures that should be retained, even as the responsibilities of the FAB are largely absorbed into the work of the County Historic Preservation Commission. The Council will be reviewing the FAB language with that in mind.
Sustainable Banking and Investment Task Force: As noted above, the Council will be voting on establishing a task force which would -- in addition to making recommendations on the future role of the Nuclear Free Committee and on nuclear weapons-free banking and investment -- also look into how the City can eliminate investments in the fossil fuel industries. That component is a goal in the climate change framework adopted by the Council. I plan to vote yes on establishing the task force.
EV Sweeper Purchase:
Sustainability Manager Memo:
In our last meeting, the Council discussed the pros and cons of purchasing an EV street sweeper, which would cost roughly double the price for a diesel engine vehicle. The difference is roughly $500,000 vs. $250,000. While the EV model would fit into our climate change goals, the direct benefit in terms of greenhouse gas reductions would be relatively small, and it’s conceivable the additional $250,000 could be better spent in some other way to address climate change. On the other hand, the funds that would be “saved” if we went with the less expensive vehicle wouldn’t automatically be available for addressing climate change, since the money for this purchase comes from our stormwater budget and the Equipment Replacement Reserve. The memo from the Sustainability Manager offers some sense for the trade-offs, and I’m continuing to weigh the options on this proposed purchase.
Budget Amendment Discussion: The Council will be discussing an amendment which would make a series of adjustments to the City budget primarily to reflect delays in expenditures, changes in the timing of spending because of the COVID pandemic, or other unanticipated fiscal developments. The net impact of the amendment’s components is an increase in spending of $228,654. Note that this budget amendment is separate from what I hope will be a more significant amendment connected to increased spending of Federal ARPA funds for COVID relief in such areas as housing, nutrition and other benefits. I’ll continue urging that we substantially increase our allocations for those and related purposes as soon as possible.
Juneteenth Holiday: I’m an enthusiastic supporter of making Juneteenth an official municipal holiday here in Takoma Park, and I look forward to voting in favor of this proposal in the near future.
Please feel free to be in touch with questions or comments on any of the topics covered in this blog.
Peter Kovar, Takoma Park City Council, Ward One
(He, Him, His)
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