Dear Neighbors:
Here’s the agenda for the September 29, 2021 City Council meeting: The meeting starts with public hearings on traffic calming proposals for Auburn Avenue and for the 7900 block of Takoma Avenue (the latter is in Ward One). The traffic calming proposals will also be discussed in the Council Work Session. There will be votes on the following items: a resolution laying out the criteria for the upcoming Ward re-districting; a budget amendment; establishing Juneteenth as a municipal holiday; and a comprehensive re-write of the City codes to reform our Council-appointed committees. For the budget amendment and the Juneteenth holiday, these will be First Reading votes, with final votes expected at the next Council meeting. The re-districting resolution will be a single vote, and the committee code changes were approved last week on First Reading, so this week’s vote will be the final vote. There will also be a proclamation on Energy Efficiency Day, which is October 6. For information on all the agenda items see below.
You can register by 5:00 PM on the day of the meeting to speak during the public comment period: The meeting can be viewed on City TV (RCN -- 13, HD 1060; Comcast/xfinity -- 13, HD 997; Verizon Fios -- 28), on the City Council Video Page; on YouTube, or on Facebook.
Energy Efficiency Day Proclamation:
Traffic Calming Public Hearings (Auburn Avenue, 7900 Block of Takoma Avenue): Takoma Park’s process for installing traffic calming measures involves a petition submitted by residents of the affected area, followed by a neighborhood meeting, a public hearing, and then consideration by the Council. I’ve heard from residents of Takoma Avenue’s 7900 block who are concerned about speeding cars there, and I support their efforts to have a speed bump installed to improve safety.
The City’s COVID dashboard was last updated on September 17:
There will be a vaccination booth at the Street Festival on October 3: You can find information on County vaccinations here: It’s also possible to sign up for vaccinations through the State Vaccine Website. For testing options, see the Montgomery County Testing Sites. In addition, you can also reach out directly to Safeway, CVS and other vaccination sites to make appointments. Tenants facing difficulties paying their rent may be eligible for County assistance: You can also contact Takoma Park’s Office of Housing and Community Development: And finally, County residents can Submit an online request for help with food resources or call 240-777-0311.
Office Hours: I’ll be holding office hours this Thursday, September 30, from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM, at the Laurel Avenue Streetery in the public area by the Post Office. No appointments needed, any topics welcome.
Street Festival -- October 3: The 40th Annual Takoma Park Street Festival will take place live and in-person, on Sunday, October 3rd from 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM, rain or shine. This year’s festival will feature booths on only one side of the street to reduce crowding, and will follow COVID protocols for larger outdoor events. As mentioned above, the Street Festival will also include a COVID vaccination booth:
Pat Loveless Memorial: There will be a memorial for Takoma Park’s Peace Advocate, Pat Loveless, on Saturday, October 9, from 2:00 - 4:00 PM at the Heffner Community Center, located at 42 Oswego Street.
Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration, Saturday, October 9, 3:00 - 4:00 PM: This will be the second time we’ve had an outdoor celebration on the banks of Sligo Creek honoring those who lived in this area before the arrival of Europeans. More details will be provided soon.
Takoma Foundation Beerfest, Saturday, October 9, 4:00 - 7:00 PM: The Beerfest is returning this year -- it will take place in the area in front of Takoma Station restaurant on Fourth Street, NW. For information and to purchase tickets:
Public Space Management Plan: In the month of October, City Planning Division staff are hosting a series of outdoor community workshops in support of the development of the Public Space Management Plan. The workshops will center around an interactive game about the values residents hold on parks, sidewalks, streeteries, bike lanes, and other public spaces. Here are the dates and locations for the workshops:
· 10/5 (Tuesday): City Building, 7500 Maple Avenue 6:00-7:00pm (Rain date: 10/7 @ 6:00-7:00pm)
· 10/16 (Saturday): Sligo Creek/Houston Ave Park, 10:00-11:00am (Rain Date: 10/23 @ 2:00-3:00pm)
· 10/16 (Saturday): Recreation Center, 1:00-2:00pm (Rain Date: 10/30 @ 1:00-2:00pm)
· 10/23 (Saturday): Essex House, 10:00-11:00am (Rain Date: 10/30 @ 10:00-11:00am)
Spanish and Amharic materials available; light food, beverages, and kid's activities will be provided. **Please check the City website to confirm event dates; they may be subject to change**
Plant-a-tree Orders Accepted through October 25: Residents can purchase reduced price trees for planting on private property.
Redistricting Webpage: The City will be undertaking a process, using updated Census data, to determine whether and how to change the boundaries of the six Wards in Takoma Park, taking into account population changes in the last 10 years. The process will unfold over the next several months with the expectation that the Council will vote on a new Ward map in January. The new Ward boundaries will remain in effect for the next 10 years, so I encourage residents to participate in the process and review the following resources.
The main redistricting project page includes a redistricting engagement portal and a survey: You can view the presentation our redistricting consultants presented in last week’s Council meeting here: On October 8, a scenario modeler -- which will enable residents to test out various map ideas -- will go live, and there will be a community engagement event on October 21. I’ll provide more details on these and other activities going forward. Meanwhile, in the Voting Session information below you can see the redistricting criteria resolution we’ll be voting on in this week’s meeting.
ARPA Funding Recommendations: Residents who have thoughts or recommendations on potential uses for the Federal ARPA funds the City is receiving can send comments to this email: You can see details about the program, possible ways of using the funds, and how the City has allocated ARPA monies to date here: As I’ve noted, while the Council will be voting this week and next week on a budget amendment, that’s separate from what I hope will be a more significant amendment connected to increased spending of ARPA funds for COVID relief in such areas as housing, nutrition and other benefits. I’ll continue urging that we increase our allocations for those and related purposes as soon as possible.
Tommy’s Pantry: I encourage residents to consider supporting this organization, which grew out of efforts by our local PTAs to help address food insecurity and other vital needs of residents in our community who are facing economic challenges because of the COVID pandemic. The Pantry still works closely with the PTAs, but they now serve a broader range of people, with a focus on weekly distribution of food and personal products.
Applications for Membership on Council-Appointed Committees: As we continue working to reform and standardize procedures relating to our committees (see below), we are also actively recruiting residents to serve on the various panels.
Minor Master Plan for Former Adventist Hospital Site: The County Planning Office is conducting a Minor Master Plan engagement process on possible uses for the hospital site. Among the suggested uses are a new elementary school, a recreation center, housing, a commercial development, or some combination of those options. You can read about the master plan process, see the schedule for public events, and register your views on possible uses here:
Dorothy’s Woods Update: A number of residents have asked for information on the kinds of uses for Dorothy’s Woods that would be permitted under the conservation covenant established for the property. The City Attorney recently issued a letter with some initial guidance on this point: The key recommendation in the letter is that the Council should develop a general stewardship process for the property before considering specific activities on the site beyond basic maintenance. I’d like to see us develop such a process through our work on the Public Space Management Plan (see above).
Police Department “Etch and Catch” Catalytic Converter Anti-Theft Program: To help deter would-be thieves and track stolen catalytic converters, the Takoma Park Police Department has teamed up with RS Automotive and Lowe’s to develop a program for etching license plate numbers on converters.
Sustainable Banking Task Force: I was pleased to vote for the creation of this task force, which passed unanimously. Several changes I helped draft were approved before final passage, including extending the date for completion of the task force’s work by a month, reviewing how nuclear power fits into the nuclear free ordinance, and clarifying that the Task Force can consult with outside experts.
EV Street Sweeper: The Council voted to purchase the EV sweeper on a 4 - 3 vote. I voted yes. For me it was a complicated issue with valid arguments both in favor of and in opposition to the purchase. I do think it’s important that we have a street sweeper in order to keep our gutters clean, so -- with the current sweeper at the end of its lifespan -- I didn’t believe doing nothing was a viable option. I would like us to explore having a system that would ban parking on streets scheduled for sweeping to make it more effective.
Beyond that, since we’ve adopted a climate framework backing the use of electric vehicles, considering there wasn’t an immediately identified alternative purpose which would yield greater greenhouse gas benefits, because this was a vehicle we’d have for at least 10 years, taking into account the unhealthy diesel emissions, and given that the additional funds were already in the budget, I felt that on balance it made sense to support the purchase. You can see video of last week’s EV discussion starting at 3:07: My remarks begin at 3:31.
Re-districting Criteria Resolution: See the Announcements section above for details on the redistricting process. I plan to vote in favor of this resolution establishing the City’s criteria for the re-mapping process.
Budget Amendment: This is a “housekeeping” type amendment, which primarily reflects shifts in spending from last fiscal year to this one, or other relatively minor changes based on the timing for availability of various funds. I’m continuing to review the amendment’s details, but I anticipate voting in favor of it.
Juneteenth Municipal Holiday: I’m a strong supporter of making Juneteenth a municipal holiday, and I’ll be voting yes.
Council Appointed Committees -- Municipal Code Amendments: I I I generally support the proposed reforms to our committees, including the plans to discontinue certain bodies and change the mission of others. That said, I have one area of concern. Specifically, I don’t support repealing the entirety of the code enforcement language relating to commercial areas in the City, even as we discontinue the Façade Advisory Board, which has based much of its work on that language. I’d prefer to retain for now some of that language relating to lighting, signs, screening of trash dumpsters, etc., until we have an opportunity in future Council meetings to take a closer look at it. So I plan to offer an amendment in this week’s meeting aimed at retaining some of those code enforcement provisions.
Traffic Calming: As mentioned above, I support the resident petition to install a speed bump in the 7900 block of Takoma Avenue.
Feel free to contact me with questions or comments about any of the topics covered in this blog.
Peter Kovar, Takoma Park City Council, Ward One
(He, Him, His)
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