Dear Neighbors:
Here’s the link to the March 23, 2022 City Council meeting agenda: We will start in a closed session at 6:00 PM to receive legal advice and discuss matters relating to the City’s two unions. The regular meeting, which begins at 7:30 PM, will have a single vote comprising three separate contracts, as follows: the Public Space Management Plan; the Red Light Camera program; and the Tree Canopy Analysis. In the work session we’ll be discussing revisions to the Sign Ordinance, after which there will be a presentation from the City’s Sustainability Manager, and then we’ll discuss plans for the ARPA funds we’ve allocated for the Social Service Partnerships program and the Library renovation project. The Council will not be meeting next week, and in April and May a major focus of our work will be the City’s budget for Fiscal Year 2023, which begins on July 1.
With the Council meeting again in-person in the Community Center, there are two ways to provide public comments. To comment remotely via Zoom, sign up in advance by 5:00 PM on the day of the meeting: To comment in-person, simply go to the Council auditorium at 7:30 PM (no advance sign-up is required). The meeting can be viewed on City TV (RCN -- 13, HD 1060; Comcast/xfinity -- 13, HD 997; Verizon Fios -- 28), on the City Council Video Page; on YouTube, or on Facebook.
The Takoma Park COVID dashboard has been updated with data through March 20: The COVID case level in our area continues to move in a downward direction.
Mask/Testing Kit Distribution; COVID Testing: The Takoma Park Library is continuing to distribute N95 masks and COVID rapid testing kits during all open hours. Testing is available at the New Hampshire Avenue Rec Center every Wednesday in March from 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM. No appointments are needed.
Other COVID resources: Vaccines for children ages 5 - 11:; vaccines for people who are 12 and older: or State Vaccine Website; Testing: Montgomery County Testing Sites; Food aid: Submit an online request for help with food resources or call 240-777-0311. The City is partnering with the Salvation Army to help residents with utility bills: email to housing or call 301-891-7119.
Memorial Garden Clean-up on Thursday, March 24: The City’s Vegetation Maintenance team will be conducting a clean-up effort in Memorial Garden (on Philadelphia Avenue, across from the Community Center) on Thursday, March 24th from 9:00 -11:30 AM. Residents are welcome to help out with the weeding, mulching, and related work. For planning purposes, please notify the Public Works Department if you plan to drop by to assist (301-891-7633;
Minor Master Plan Public Event, March 29, 6:00 - 8:00 PM: The Montgomery County Planning Office and City staff will make a public presentation on the Takoma Park Minor Master Plan Amendment, which covers the site of the former Washington Adventist Hospital and the nearby area, including Washington Adventist University, residential areas along Maple Avenue and elsewhere, local schools and Takoma Park City government buildings. The presentation will focus on the Existing Conditions within the plan area. Advance registration is required. County staff made a similar presentation to the City Council recently:
Low Income Homeowner ADU Program: The City and Habitat for Humanity are partnering to help two income-qualified City homeowners convert an interior space in their home into an additional living unit. This unit will be a separate and distinct living space, and can provide supplemental income when rented, or a separate living space for family members. Application period: March 14 - April 4.
July 4 Parade Returns: After being cancelled the past two years, the Takoma Park Independence Day Committee has announced the return in 2022 of the parade and the evening celebration that follows it. You can see details including how groups, performers, etc. can register through the above link.
Redistricting Plan Finalized. The Council gave final approval on a 5 - 2 vote -- I voted yes -- to the new Ward map which will apply after this fall’s election (candidates for Mayor and Council will be running to represent the new Wards). You can see the new Ward map here: Key Ward 1 changes include moving the commercial area along Laurel Ave. and the side of Carroll Ave. with Ace Hardware and Republic into Ward 3. Also Victory Tower and the apartment building next to it, plus The Girl and the Vine and the homes on that side of Carroll between Columbia Ave. and the Fire Station, are shifted from Ward 1 to Ward 3. The other side of Carroll, from Philadelphia Ave. to the DC line (including the residences there and the commercial area that includes Olive Lounge, Mark’s Kitchen, the Bank of America building, etc.) will stay in Ward 1. Finally, the retail strip on Carroll across from the Co-op will move from Ward 3 to Ward 1, and several residential blocks in that area (including Grant Ave. and portions of Lee and Hancock Avenues) will be added to Ward 1.
Presentation on City’s Fiscal Health Presentation: As part of the lead-up to our annual budget process -- which as noted above will take up much of April and May -- City staff made a presentation summarizing the fiscal state of Takoma Park. You can see video of the presentation and the Council’s questions and discussion starting at 3:22:30 in the following link:
VOTING SESSION (All Three Items Covered in One Vote; I’ll be voting yes)
Public Space Management Plan Contract: I support this contract with CHPlanning, which will be focused on completing the City’s Public Space Management Plan. The plan is an important Council priority, with important links to the City’s Climate Change work, our Racial Equity policy, and other major initiatives. One of the key concerns in the development of this plan is equity in access to public spaces in the City, and I think CHPlanning is well positioned to help us bring the plan to completion with that particular concern kept in focus.
Red Light Camera Contract: I also support this contract with Conduent Solutions which provides for the placement of red light cameras at seven locations around the City. The intersections are all spots where there have been large numbers of accidents, including with pedestrians. I’m pleased that one of the deployment sites is the Philadelphia Avenue-Piney Branch Road intersection, often mentioned by residents as a dangerous spot, especially for children going to and from school. I’d add that the cameras would only be activated when a driver actually enters an intersection on a red light, meaning they won’t record all drivers passing through the intersections. In addition, the projections are that the incoming funds will exceed the costs we're responsible for. That said, it’s a three year contract with the potential for one-year extensions after that initial period, so we’ll be able to decide how long to continue with the program, based on its effectiveness and costs. One last point: any monies realized from the program can only be used for traffic safety enhancements.
Tree Canopy Analysis Contract: The City has periodically contracted with the University of Vermont Spatial Analysis Laboratory to conduct tree canopy analysis using LiDAR technology. Continuing this regular analysis is a key part of our overall tree canopy work, and I support this contract as well.
Sign Ordinance: The City’s sign ordinance was suspended around the time the pandemic began to emerge in a more serious way in 2020, and the current suspension is set to expire on June 30. Reinstating the ordinance in a way that enables free expression while also curbing unsightly clutter can be challenging, especially considering recent court rulings that significantly limit municipalities’ ability to restrict signs in public areas bases on their content. I have questions about the draft ordinance re-write on several points such as allowable sizes for signs, whether it’s necessary to include not only the name of a sign’s sponsor but also to list the individual who actually posted it, whether telecom poles are included, and how enforcement would be carried out. I’d welcome feedback from residents on the ordinance.
Update from Sustainability Manager: We’ll hear from the Sustainability Manager on steps that have been taken since the 2020 adoption of the City’s Climate Emergency Response Framework, and discuss potential future actions.
Discussion of ARPA Funds Allocated for Social Service Partnerships and Library: (Background materials were not available as of blog-post time.) On March 2, the Council approved the plan for expenditure of the City’s ARPA funds: There are two key components of that plan which remain to a large extent undecided, and we’ll be discussing both of them. First, the ARPA plan includes $3 million for the Social Services Partnership program (which includes the Community Navigators; grants to non-profits to address gaps in social services in the City; and $2.3 million for direct payment to vulnerable residents). However, key details of this component of ARPA, including in particular how the direct payments program will be structured, have yet to be determined. Secondly, the funds designated for the Library ($4 million) were put on hold, pending further review of the cost estimates and other key elements of the project. We’ll be receiving more detailed information from the construction management firm we’ve hired to help inform our decisions about how to proceed.
Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or comments about anything in this blog.
Peter Kovar, Takoma Park City Council, Ward One
(He, Him, His)
Important Privacy Notice: All correspondence, including emails, to or from City of Takoma Park agencies, officials, and employees is subject to the Maryland Public Information Act and may be disclosed to the public.