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Welcome to my blog, which features frequent updates on local Takoma Park issues, including City Council meeting agendas, plus occasional commentary on national news and politics.

March 30, 2022 City Council Update

Dear Neighbors:

There’s no City Council meeting this week, as staff prepare for the presentation of the City Manager’s proposed Fiscal Year 2023 budget in our April 6 meeting. We’ll be working on the budget over the ensuing weeks, with final votes in mid to late May. On April 6, there will also be a presentation from members of the Task Force on Sustainable Banking and Investment on their final report (https://takomaparkmd.gov/government/boards-commissions-and-committees/task-force-on-sustainable-banking-and-investments/). Meanwhile, even with no Council meeting this week, as you can see below, there’s a lot going on.


The Takoma Park COVID-19 Dashboard has been updated through March 24: https://takomapark.shinyapps.io/covid_dashboard/.  Key data points noted by City staff:

• There were 6 new cases of COVID-19 reported in the 20912 zip code between 3/18 and 3/24, compared to 4 the previous week. The CDC's community transmission metric -- which is just based on the number of new cases -- for the 20912 zip code is 22.87 new cases per 100,000 residents in the last 7 days, a "moderate" level of transmission. New cases are down 4% over the last 14 days in Montgomery County, hospitalizations down 33%, and deaths down 33%. The CDC's COVID-19 Community Level Metric for Montgomery County -- which is based on a combination of case-spread (like the transmission metric) and area hospital capacity (unlike the transmission metric) -- is currently "low."

• The fully vaccinated rate for the 20912 zip code increased from 67.7% to 68% since last week, and the at least partially vaccinated rate increased from 77.5% to 77.7%.

• There were no new deaths due to COVID-19 reported for the 20912 zip code since last week.

Mask/Testing Kit Distribution; COVID Testing: https://takomaparkmd.gov/public-notices/covid-19-rapid-test-kits-and-kn95-masks-available-now/. The Takoma Park Library is continuing to distribute N95 masks and COVID rapid testing kits during all open hours.

Other COVID resources: Vaccines for children ages 5 - 11: https://takomaparkmd.gov/news-alert/covid-19-vaccines-are-now-available-for-children-aged-5-11/; vaccines for people who are 12 and older: https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/covid19/vaccine/ or State Vaccine Website; Testing: Montgomery County Testing Sites; Food aid: Submit an online request for help with food resources or call 240-777-0311. The City is partnering with the Salvation Army to help residents with utility bills: email to housing @takomaparkmd.gov or call 301-891-7119.


Sign Ordinance:  https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/agendas/2022/council-20220323-2.pdf. The City’s sign ordinance was suspended around the time the pandemic began to emerge more seriously in 2020, and the current suspension will expire on June 30. Reinstating the ordinance to protect free expression and curb unsightly clutter can be challenging, especially given court rulings limiting municipalities’ ability to restrict signs in public areas based on their content. You can see video of last week’s discussion on the draft ordinance starting at 39:45: https://takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/meetings-and-documents/city-council-video/.

In that discussion, I recommended that we consider a larger size limit to ensure that “standard” political yard signs are allowed; drop the requirement to list not only a sign’s sponsor but also the person who posted it; and remove or cut back on the language barring signs in public areas adjacent to City facilities. I also requested clarifications on how the law covers telecom poles (which aren’t owned by the City); how enforcement would work in cases when signs aren’t removed after the event they publicize; and how the ordinance would treat situations where part of a resident’s yard is technically in the public right of way. I’ll be working to get those issues cleared up as the ordinance advances.

ARPA Funding -- Social Service Grants and the Library Expansion Project: https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/agendas/2022/supplemental-documents/Direct-Cash-Assistance-Program-Recommendation-and-LRP-VE.pdf. There are two key components of the City’s ARPA spending plan on which major decisions still need to be made, and in last week’s meeting we made progress on both.

First, the ARPA plan includes $3 million for the Social Services Partnership program (which includes the Community Navigators; grants to non-profits to address gaps in social services; and $2.3 million for direct payment to vulnerable residents). Key details of this program, including in particular the direct payments, weren’t fully developed when we adopted the plan. The direct payment program is a vital part of the overall ARPA plan, and along with several Council colleagues I’ve pushed for speeded up action to work out the details. Last week City staff presented a proposed direct payment plan based on providing $1,000 in assistance to households in the City earning under $50,000. There are a little over 2100 households in that category, so in terms of the available funding, that would be a workable amount, with some funds available for administrative costs (most likely contracts with one or more NGOs to handle distribution). I think it’s a viable concept, and I’ll be urging its implementation as soon as possible.

Second, the ARPA funds designated for the Library ($4 million) were put on hold, pending further review of the cost estimates and other key elements of the project. We asked Arcadis, our construction management firm, to explore possible modifications to the design to reduce the price tag (which has risen because of COVID-19’s inflationary impact on the construction industry). They came up with a number of possible options, two of which have the potential to produce significant savings. To be more specific, if we were to not go forward with the current plans in the project to redesign the Recreation Department area in the Community Center, or do only part of that work, we could save an estimated $1.178 million or $667,000 respectively. Those are significant amounts, and the modifications merit careful consideration.

The unfortunate complication is that both options would create less efficient space in the affected area that would potentially either need further renovation in the future and/or remain in place in a way that wouldn’t serve the community well. Furthermore, there’s a possibility of code violations relating to the bathroom facilities. Beyond that, while we have two detailed estimates for the overall construction costs, the amounts vary substantially (likely as a result of the volatility in the construction sector in the COVID period). So, it will ultimately be when we receive bids from construction firms that we’ll actually see whether we have sufficient funds on hand for the project, if holding off on the Rec Department components could make sense, etc. So the current consensus on the Council -- which I agree with -- is to proceed quickly to solicit bids for the project. Once we receive bids, the Council can assess how to proceed. In any case we’ll have to vote on any potential contract with a construction firm to undertake the project.

For those interested in more details, here’s a link to the Library Value Engineering Report: https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/agendas/2022/supplemental-documents/Value-Engineering-Summary-Final-20220323.pdf. And to see last week’s staff presentation and Council discussion on the Library go to 2:58 in this link: https://takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/meetings-and-documents/city-council-video/

Sustainability Presentation:  https://documents.takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/agendas/2022/supplemental-documents/Sustainability-Update-Presentation-20220323.pdf. Sustainability Manager Gina Mathias made a presentation on recent progress on climate action in the City, and potential future steps. You can see my part of the discussion starting at 1:52 here: https://takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/meetings-and-documents/city-council-video/


Property Re-Assessment Maps: As property owners are aware, the new real property value re-assessments were issued by the State Department of Assessment and Taxation earlier this year. City staff have compiled maps showing the assessments in 2022 and 2019, using SDAT data. The maps show property values as well as the percentage changes based on initial assessments this year (the maps don’t reflect any changes due to successful appeals). The maps are interactive, enabling users to click on specific properties to see additional data. As in 2019, the new map doesn’t fully mesh with my sense of the real estate market in Takoma Park, and I’ll be looking into whether we can get a further explanation for this year’s trends, including more details on how the values are calculated. Links to the maps are below:



Montgomery County Planning Board Resolutions on Takoma Junction Development: On March 21, the Planning Board approved two resolutions formalizing their vote in January to deny the application submitted by NDC for the Takoma Junction development plan. The resolutions are now posted on the Board’s website. Here are the relevant links:



Office Hours, Tuesday, April 5, 10:00 AM - Noon: I’ll be holding office hours in the public area of the Laurel Avenue Streetery (inclement weather location -- inside Takoma Bevco). Any topics welcome, no appointments required.

Garden Work Day at Upper Portal Park, Saturday, April 9, 9:00 AM - Noon: The City Gardens team invites residents to a garden work day at Upper Portal Park (the “triangle” park at the intersection of Piney Branch Rd., Takoma Ave., and Eastern Ave.) The main activities will be weeding and mulching. Bring your own gloves if you have them; the City will supply tools. RSVP requested but not required: gardens@takomaparkmd.gov.

Fitness Expo, Saturday, April 9, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM: The event, held at the New Hampshire Avenue Recreation Center, will be outside, weather permitting. It includes class demonstrations, and health and wellness vendor booths. For more information: vincentc@takomaparkmd.gov.

Arbor Day Tree Walk, Saturday, April 13, 10:00 AM - Noon:  https://takomaparkmd.gov/news-alert/join-us-for-our-arbor-day-tree-walk-on-saturday-april-23/.  Residents are invited to a celebratory tree walk meet-and-greet in honor of Arbor Day. Community members can speak about tree-related work they are doing and join the tree walk led by Urban Forest Manager Marty Frye. Contact Marty if you’d like to speak about your tree-related community project: urbanforestmanager@takomaparkmd.gov. For more information and to RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/takoma-park-arbor-day-gathering-and-tree-walk-tickets-295370580357

ARPA Small Business Grants, Application Deadline April 15: The Small Business Support grant application is open. The grants are funded through the ARPA spending plan. Visit the Takoma Park Small Business Support Grant page for details, grant criteria, applications, etc.

 Eggstravaganza -- April 15 & 16: https://takomaparkmd.gov/government/recreation/eggstravaganza/. On both dates from Noon - 3:00 PM, participants (aged 2 - 8) in the City’s alternative to the traditional Egg Hunt, will get baskets and a map, and then solve clues to local businesses giving out treats. In addition, on April 16 only, the same age group is invited to be part of the Speggtacular Field Day at Ed Wilhelm Field from 4:00 - 6:00 PM.

 Main Street Takoma Community Shredding Event, Sunday, April 24, 1:00 - 4:00 PM:  https://mainstreettakoma.org/event/free-community-shred-2022/. This event will take place in the Seventh Day Adventist Church parking lot (6810 Eastern Avenue).

July 4 Parade:  https://www.takomapark4th.org/. After being cancelled the last two years, the parade and evening celebration are returning in 2022. For information on how groups, performers, etc. can register, use the above link.

Please be in touch with questions or comments about any of the topics covered in this blog.

Peter Kovar. Takoma Park City Council, Ward One

240-319-6281; www.councilmemberkovar.com

(He, Him, His)

Important Privacy Notice: All correspondence, including emails, to or from City of Takoma Park agencies, officials, and employees is subject to the Maryland Public Information Act and may be disclosed to the public. 

April 6, 2022 City Council Meeting Agenda & More

March 23, 2022 City Council Meeting Agenda & More