Dear Neighbors:
Here’s a link to the agenda for the July 27, 2022 City Council meeting: This is the last Council meeting before our summer break, so the agenda is packed. We approved the Library renovation construction contract in last week’s meeting, and there are three other Library related votes this week: a contract for outfitting our to-be-leased Library relocation space; a contract for moving and related relocation services; and a contract for removal, storage and reinstallation of the Library’s solar panels.
We’ll also be taking the second and final votes on the budget amendments and the Election Code amendments to which we gave initial approval last week. In addition, we’ll be voting on a resolution recognizing Deputy City Manager Jessica Clarke’s service to the City, as she prepares to step down from her position with Takoma Park for another opportunity elsewhere.
Finally, there’s a single Consent Agenda vote comprising the following items: a rental inspection contract with Montgomery County; a contract for the ARPA direct cash assistance program; a contract for a new Human Resources information system; a contract for the public space and private property tree planting pilot program; a resolution making appointments to the Emergency Preparedness Committee; and a resolution designating the Council’s summer recess. For details on the agenda items see below.
The Council will be on break from formal meetings until the fall. The first meeting will be on September 14, though the Nominating Caucus (at which Mayor and City Council candidates are placed on the ballot for the November election) will be on the 13th. As I’ve announced, I’m not seeking re-election. There’s information on the City website for those who may be interested in running:
You can make public comments for this week’s meeting by coming to the Community Center at 7:30 PM or remotely (sign up by 5:00 PM on the day of the meeting): You can watch the meeting on City TV (RCN -- 13, HD 1060; Comcast/xfinity -- 13, HD 997; Verizon Fios -- 28), on the City Council Video Page; on YouTube, or on Facebook.
The Takoma Park COVID-19 Data Dashboard is updated through last week: Key data points from City staff:
Montgomery County's Community Level remains at "Medium" based on CDC data. New cases per 100,000 residents in the last 7 days for the County increased 10.4% from 233 to 258.88, the percent of beds occupied by COVID-19 patients remained unchanged at 5.4%, and hospital admissions per 100,000 residents decreased slightly from 9.3 to 9.1.
It should be noted that Montgomery County's data dashboard shows slightly different results for hospital admissions and occupied beds than the CDC data, but also reports a community level of Medium. There were 32 new cases reported since last week in the 20912 zip code compared to 46 the previous week. There appears to be an error with the state's vaccination level data by zip code; the page returns an error message. Staff will investigate further. Deaths due to COVID-19 in the 20912 zip code remained unchanged since last week.
Mask/Testing Kit Distribution: The Takoma Park Library is continuing to distribute N95 masks and COVID rapid testing kits during all open hours.
Other COVID resources: For information on vaccine appointments go to: or State Vaccine Website; for testing: Montgomery County Testing Sites; for food aid: Submit an online request for help with food resources or call 240-777-0311. For help with housing, utility bills, etc. send an email to housing or call 301-891-7119.
National Night Out -- August 2, 6:00 - 9:00 PM at Piney Branch Elementary School: This annual event hosted by the Police Department is aimed at increasing awareness of safety and crime prevention; supporting local businesses and organizations; and strengthening ties between the community and the Department. The event includes police vehicles, Maryland National Park horses, McGruff the Crime Dog, music and dancing, food & ice cream, and activities for kids. The will be some road closures.
Battery Recycling Program: The City has partnered with Call2Recycle, to provide battery recycling. Residents can bring used batteries to the Public Works Department (at 31 Oswego Avenue). See the link for acceptable battery types.
Youth Council Applications: The application deadline is September 7.
KEY UPDATES FROM LAST WEEK (see my July 20 blog for more details):
Library Renovation Project
On July 20 the Council approved three proposals related to the Library renovation on 6 - 1 votes (I voted yes on all three) as described below. For information on this week’s votes relating to the project see the VOTING SESSION.
1. Construction Contract: The Council approved the contract with Rockville-based Doyle Construction in the amount of $9.2 million. As noted previously, because Doyle’s bid was lower than City staff and our construction management contractor were anticipating, there’s the possibility now to include some additional features without going over the funding amount we’ve set aside for the project, including renting space out of which we can conduct ongoing Library activities during construction as opposed to being limited primarily to storage with minimal programming ability.
2. Library Inspection and Testing Services Contract: Montgomery County will require separate inspection and testing services as part of the Library project. City staff proposed contracting with Hillis-Carnes, one of the two firms the County is contracting with for work of this type. The total costs are estimated to be $80,000 - $100,000.
3. Library Relocation Leasing Agreement: The background material on this agenda item wasn’t available when I circulated last week’s blog, so I’m including relevant links from last week here:
Background Memo:
Note that the resolution was amended at the suggestion of several of us on the Council to specify that the lease amount has to be within the estimates provided previously by staff, rather than leaving the amount open-ended. The revised version of the resolution containing that change has not yet been posted on the City website.
Community Center Atrium Project Construction Management Services: This contract provides approximately $194,000 to Arcadis, the construction management firm we’ve contracted with on the Library. I’ve stated previously that, while I think the Atrium project has merit, I don’t favor doing it at the same time as the Library project or through the use of $1 million in ARPA funds. Earlier this year I voted against using ARPA funds for it, and last week I voted against this construction management services contract, though it was approved 5 - 2.
Stormwater Study Contract: I was one of the Councilmembers who proposed including these funds in last year’s budget, so I’m pleased we’re finally moving forward on the study. In the lead-up to last week’s meeting I put forward several amendments to the contract resolution to increase the public engagement and community consultation aspects of the study. With contributions from Councilmember Dyballa and City staff, my proposals were modified and we ended up with improved language on public engagement and consultation. While in an ideal world, I would have preferred stronger language, I didn’t want to push for further changes which could have derailed the contract and led to additional delays. So I joined all my colleagues in voting to approve the contract on a 7 - 0 vote. I’ll be doing what I can to help ensure there are appropriate opportunities for residents to be involved as the study progresses. Here’s a link to the revised resolution: file:///C:/Users/Peter%20Kovar/Downloads/Ordinance%202022-27%20Stormwater%20Resiliency%20Study%20(1).pdf
Jessica Clarke Resolution: Jessica literally began her service as Deputy City Manager the week everything began to shut down because of the pandemic. Despite the challenges that presented, and the reality that her entire tenure with Takoma Park was under the shadow of COVID, she consistently performed at a very high level on a wide range of vital projects and initiatives. While I regret that the City will no longer be able to take advantage of her talents, I wish her well in her future endeavors, and I will vote enthusiastically for this resolution.
Budget Amendments: Last week, I voted in favor of these two amendments, which reflect changes in planned expenditures that have occurred since we adopted the budget for the current fiscal year several months ago. The bulk of the changes are carry-overs from last fiscal year with no effect on overall spending levels. There is $142,000 in new funding which wasn’t included in the budget, including $33,000 for enhanced cybersecurity and other upgrades for the City website, along with $50,000 for the Home Stretch program (which provides down payment assistance for first time homebuyers). The Home Stretch monies will be drawn from already approved housing reserve funds. I’ll be voting yes on final passage of both amendments this week.
Election Code Amendments: The City Board of Elections in coordination with the City Attorney proposed a series of changes to our Election Code for the fall election. I agreed with much of what the Board proposed. But I did raise concerns about what I saw as unclear language on registration for groups seeking to influence elections, as well as the elimination of one campaign finance report filing (which would have left a six week gap in the fall campaign season between the dates of the two remaining filings). We’ve made some improvements in both areas. In particular, there’s a smaller gap between campaign finance reports (three weeks instead of six). I still would have preferred to have one additional report, but I was in the minority in a 5 -2 vote on that point. I did back the overall package of amendments when it was approved last week 6 - 0 (with one abstention), and I’ll be voting yes again this week.
Three Votes Relating to the Library Renovation Project:
1. Library Leased Space Outfitting: When we lease space as referred to above and authorized by the Council last week, it will likely be necessary to undertake some modifications to the space, including in areas like telecommunications, electrical, and security, as well as minor renovations and repairs, and furniture rental. The resolution would authorize the expenditure of up to $200,000 for these purposes. I will be voting yes.
2. Moving Services Contract for Library Relocation: Background information not yet available.
3. Library Solar Panel Funding: This vote will cover the costs for removal, temporary storage, and reinstallation of the solar panels currently on the Library roof. The estimated amount is $56,500. I’ll will be voting in favor of the proposal.
CONSENT AGENDA (a single vote covering 6 separate items; I’ll be voting yes)
Montgomery County Rental Inspections: When this contract was discussed last week, there was a recognition by the Council that some improvements in the inspection process should be pursued, especially around communication with tenants on violations uncovered in the inspection process and how and when they will be remediated. However, there was also a concern about potentially causing gaps in inspection if we pursued major changes in the contract at this time. So we’re proceeding with the vote, with the understanding that we’ll seek appropriate changes in the future.
ARPA Direct Cash Assistance Program: The Council approved $2.3 million in Federal ARPA funding for a direct financial assistance program to vulnerable residents economically impacted by COVID. The City received one response to its RFP for this initiative, from Seattle-based LiveStories (a company with extensive experience helping manage ARPA and other Federal funding programs) in partnership with Silver Spring-based Shepherd’s Table. I thought the presentation in last week’s meeting from LiveStories and Shepherd’s table was excellent, and I look forward to a fruitful collaboration with both groups in the delivery of this vital financial assistance.
Human Resources Information Systems Contract: The background information on this agenda item for this week’s meeting was not yet available. Here’s last week’s material: The City currently uses several HR systems, which leads to inefficiencies in operation. The Council approved the staff proposal to adopt a single HR system and included funding for that purpose in the recent budget. The staff recommended contracting with Paycom, the applicant with the highest scoring RFP response. Paycom made a presentation last week on the services the company offers, and I believe they are well-suited to take on this work for the City.
Tree Planting Contract: In the urban forest policy resolution in 2020, we called for a private property tree planting pilot program focused on less well-off residents and areas with less tree canopy coverage. Four companies submitted bids for the contract related to this work, which covers planting in public and private areas. City staff recommended going with Casey Trees, the low bidder. I support that recommendation and will be voting yes.
Emergency Preparedness Committee Appointments: The Council approved a lengthy slate of appointees to resident boards and committees last week, but the appointments to the Emergency Preparedness Committee had not yet been finalized at that time. I would note that, with the approval of these four residents, most of our committees will be at full strength. However, there are still openings on the Commission on Landlord-Tenant Affairs and the Nuclear Free Committee.
Summer Recess Resolution: This resolution formalizes our August break from formal meetings. I’ll be voting yes.
As always, feel free to contact me with comments or questions about any of the above topics.
Peter Kovar, Takoma Park City Council, Ward One
(He, Him, His)
Important Privacy Notice: All correspondence, including emails, to or from City of Takoma Park agencies, officials, and employees is subject to the Maryland Public Information Act and may be disclosed to the public.