Dear Neighbors:
I hope everyone had an enjoyable summer, with some time for rest and recharging. The City Council is resuming formal meetings this coming week. Here’s a link to the agenda for the September 14, 2022 meeting: Between now and the election on November 8, there will be 6 or 7 regular weekly Council meetings, three this month, three in October, and possibly one in early November (though we generally don’t meet the week prior to the election, and would most likely do so only if there is a timely matter we are working to finish up). This Tuesday evening, September 13 at 7:30 PM, the Nominating Caucus -- at which candidates for Takoma Park Mayor and City Council are placed on the ballot -- will take place in the Community Center (with a remote Zoom option). See below for details on the Caucus.
The agenda for the September 14 meeting includes votes on a wage increase for City workers in the AFSCME union; a resolution authorizing using State grant funds for an affordable housing project at 320 Lincoln Avenue; and the designation of City Manager Jamal Fox as the official recipient of legal communications concerning State taxation matters. The Work Session will cover a briefing from our outside consultant on the first draft of the Public Space Management Plan, plus an election update and draft election ordinance. The meeting will also include a presentation from Montgomery County planning staff regarding the Minor Master Plan for the former Washington Adventist Hospital and surrounding area. In addition, there will be proclamations on Welcoming Week and on National Preparedness Month. Prior to the public portion of the meeting, the Council will meet in a closed session starting at 5:30 PM to discuss the City Manager’s evaluation. For more on all the agenda items seem below.
There are two ways to make public comments for this week’s meeting: speaking in-person at the Community Center or commenting remotely. The latter requires sign-up by 5:00 PM on the day of the meeting: You can watch the meeting on City TV (RCN -- 13, HD 1060; Comcast/xfinity -- 13, HD 997; Verizon Fios -- 28), on the City Council Video Page; on YouTube, or on Facebook.
Welcoming Week Proclamation:
National Preparedness Month Proclamation:
Minor Master Plan Update: The Montgomery County planning office, in collaboration with the City, is leading a Minor Master Plan process for the former Washington Adventist Hospital site and surrounding environs. The purpose is to develop a vision and recommendations for future use of the property, taking into account the needs of nearby residential, commercial, and governmental areas, as well as green spaces. County staff will provide a status report on this process.
An Evening with Rep. Jamie Raskin, September 12, 6:00 PM, Community Center: Our hometown Congressman will discuss his book, Unthinkable: Trauma, Truth, and the Trials of American Democracy. Remote participation option available.
Nominating Caucus, September 13, 7:30 PM, Community Center: As mentioned above, this is the event at which candidates for Mayor and Council qualify for the election (if they are nominated by a qualified resident and the nomination is seconded by another). For a list of registered candidates, video of the recent information workshop for candidates, and other key election details see this link:
Farmers Market Pie Contest, September 18, 11:00AM - 2:00 PM, Laurel Ave. Streetery: The proceeds from this local favorite event go to the Farmers Market SNAP (food stamp) Match Program.
Takoma Park Unification 25th Anniversary, Sept. 18, 2:00 - 4:00 PM, Community Center: For over 100 years Takoma Park was split between Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties, something that changed with unification in 1997. Getting there took years of hard work from many committed activists and government officials. Historic Takoma in collaboration with the City will be hosting this event to reflect on the significance of the anniversary and to recognize those who played key roles in the unification efforts.
Piney Branch Elementary Pool Re-opening September 24: After over two years of closure due to COVID and infrastructure upgrades, the indoor pool at PBES is set to reopen for lap and general swimming. Schedule information should be available soon.
Takoma Park Street festival, October 2, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM, along Carroll Avenue: One of the City’s most popular events is back again.
Library Construction: The Library is now closed as we move toward the construction phase for the new Library. Later this fall there will be a temporary Library facility with similar hours. The details will be announced soon. Meanwhile, the above link has the most current information.
Free Tree Plantings and More: The City is now taking requests for free trees as part of our new program focused on private property planting. The City website also has an updated Urban Forestry page with information on a range of tree-related topics:
Business Grants: The TKPK Business Investment Grant (BIG) -- funded through the City’s ARPA plan -- opened in July for businesses looking to locate, grow or expand in Takoma Park. Funds are available for capital expenditures and hard costs related to new business fit-out or existing tenant improvements. For more information:
The Montgomery County Retail Business Assistance Grants program will be open September 1 - 30. The program will provide grants to small businesses to support rental costs, both current and arrears rent payments connected to the pandemic:
AFSCME Wage Adjustment and Related Budget Amendment:
The City budget the Council approved this past May allocated sufficient funds for a 5% increase in staff wages for the fiscal year which began on July 1. Through the collective bargaining process, the City and its two employee unions reached agreement on a wage increase of 6.5% (an additional 1.5% beyond the budgeted amount). That increase has already been provided (retroactive to July 1) for the Police union and non-union Takoma Park employees. AFSCME Local 3399 did not end up ratifying the agreement until August, when the Council was on recess from formal meetings. So we will be voting this week to finalize the wage increase (again, retroactive to July 1) and to authorize the expenditure of the necessary additional funds ($83,9842), which were not in the budget as initially approved. I’ll be voting yes on both, though the budget increase will require a final vote in next week’s Council meeting.
State Grant Funds for 320 Lincoln Avenue Affordable Housing Project: The City previously received $500,000 in State grant funds for affordable housing. This resolution proposes using $200,000 of those funds to contribute to the affordability of the recently renovated property located at 320 Lincoln Avenue, which was acquired last year under the City’s Tenant Opportunity to Purchase law. I think it’s important in situations of this kind to take steps to help make homes available for those with low and moderate incomes, and I intend to vote in favor of this proposal. Going forward, we need to expand beyond individual projects of this kind to support broader efforts (for both rental and home ownership opportunities) to provide more affordable options for low and moderate income residents, and potentially help curb the excessive home price increase trend.
Resident Agent Designation Resolution: Maryland State law requires municipalities to designate a “resident agent” to receive legal communications from the Department of Assessments and Taxation. This position was previously filled by Deputy City Manager Jessica who is no longer employed by Takoma Park. The resolution designates City Manager Fox to assume that role. I will be voting yes.
Public Space Management Plan First Draft: The Council and City staff have worked periodically over the last several years on the Public Space Management Plan, and decided to contract with an outside consulting firm to move toward finalizing the plan. Our contractor CHPlanning, which has focused heavily on community engagement in their work on this effort, will make a presentation on a first draft of the proposed plan. One of the key elements I’d like to see in the plan is ensuring it’s well integrated with other major initiatives like the Racial Equity policy, the Climate Framework, the Housing and Economic Development Strategic Plan, and our tree ordinance and urban forest reforms. I’d also like to see firmer policies on the timing for park improvement and upkeep, updated and consistent signage in public areas and entrance points to the City, and clearer guidelines on use and access to public spaces by local groups and neighborhood organizations.
For more information on the plan including a video of the most recent presentation from CHPlanning see this link: While that webpage lists a September 14 deadline for comments, residents should feel free to let me know their views beyond that date, and there will be other opportunities to weigh in as work on the plan moves forward.
Election Update and Draft Election Ordinance: This year’s local Takoma Park election -- as was the case in 2020 -- will be primarily by mail-in ballots, with an in-person voting option available on Election Day. There will also be drop-boxes available for ballots prior to Election Day. The agenda material includes not only a draft special ordinance detailing the procedures for the election, but also a calendar of key pre- and post-election dates.
The City’s COVID-19 Data Dashboard is updated through September 8: Key information and data points noted by City staff:
Pfizer and Modena vaccines targeted to the most contagious omicron sub-variant have now been made publicly available. The FDA has approved and the CDC recommends these updated COVID-19 booster shots for eligible groups, and residents are advised to get them if they are eligible. Link to CDC recommendation:
Montgomery County's Community Level remained at "Low" based on Montgomery County data and in the CDC data shown on Takoma Park's dashboard. Cases, hospital-admissions, and the percent of hospital beds occupied by COVID-19 patients continued to decline in the Takoma Park dashboard, while in the County dashboard admissions and bed-occupancy declined early in the week before increasing slightly later in the week. Link to County data:
In the County dashboard, which updates daily, new cases per 100,000 residents decreased from 133.53 to 125.63, the percent of beds occupied by COVID-19 patients decreased from 8.23% to 7.97%, and hospital admissions per 100,000 residents remained steady at 6.62.
In the CDC data -- which the City dashboard displays -- COVID-19 cases decreased from 133.5 cases per 100,000 to 125, hospital admissions per 100,000 decreased from 8.2 to 7.4, and the percent of beds occupied by COVID-19 patients decreased slightly from 5.3% to 4.9%.
There were 24 new cases of COVID-19 reported in the 20912 zip code in the last week, compared to 21 the previous week. Deaths due to COVID-19 in the zip code remain unchanged.
Other COVID resources: For information on vaccine appointments go to: or State Vaccine Website; for testing: Montgomery County Testing Sites; for food aid: Submit an online request for help with food resources or call 240-777-0311. For help with housing, utility bills, etc. send an email to housing or call 301-891-7119. Masks and testing kits, previously available at the Library, can now be picked up at the main reception desk in the Community Center.
As always, feel free to be in touch with questions or comments about any of the matters discussed above.
Peter Kovar, Takoma Park City Council, Ward One
(He, Him, His)
Important Privacy Notice: All correspondence, including emails, to or from City of Takoma Park agencies, officials, and employees is subject to the Maryland Public Information Act and may be disclosed to the public.