Dear Neighbors:
Here’s a link to the agenda for the September 21, 2022 City Council meeting: We’ll be taking a final vote on funding for the wage increase for City employees represented by AFSCME, and also voting on the ordinance for this fall’s local election, as well as appointments to the Youth Council. There are two topics in the work session: a presentation on County and State laws regarding paid family leave, and a speed bump request for Kentland Avenue (which will also be the subject of a public hearing at the beginning of the meeting). The meeting will also include a proclamation on Car Free Day. Prior to the public portion of the meeting (which starts at 7:30 PM), the Council will meet in a closed session atd 6:30 PM to discuss the City Manager’s evaluation. For more on the agenda items see below.
There are two ways to make public comments at the meeting: speaking in-person at the Community Center or commenting remotely, which requires sign-up by 5:00 PM on the meeting day: You can watch the meeting on City TV (RCN -- 13, HD 1060; Comcast/xfinity -- 13, HD 997; Verizon Fios -- 28), on the City Council Video Page; on YouTube, or on Facebook.
Car Free Day Proclamation:
Kentland Avenue Speed Hump Public Hearing: Interested residents can comment on the Kentland Avenue speed hump proposal, which is part of a group of traffic calming measures on Kentland and other nearby streets. Note that this topic will also be covered in the work session (see below).
I would like to congratulate the 18 candidates who had their names officially placed on Takoma Park’s ballot for the November 8 local election. As most residents know, in order to be on the ballot, residents must be nominated and seconded by qualified residents in the Nominating Caucus, which took place on Tuesday of last week. It was a great opportunity to see democracy in action, with a nice combination of in-person and remote nominations. You can see the full list of candidates here: And here’s a link to all the nominating speeches:
Public Space Management Plan: In this past week’s Council meeting, we heard from CHPlanning, the outside consulting firm helping the City work on finalizing the plan. You can see the slides of the plan’s first draft as well as the presentation and Council comments and questions through the above link, starting at the 1:42 mark.
Takoma Park Minor Master Plan Visioning Open House, October 18: The Montgomery County planning office, in collaboration with the City, is leading a Minor Master Plan process for the former Washington Adventist Hospital site and environs. The purpose is to develop a vision and recommendations for future use of the property. In last week’s Council meeting, County staff provided a status report on this process. You can see the presentation and Council discussion starting at the 13 minute mark in the above link. Interested residents may want to attend a Visioning Open House on the plan on October 18 from 7:00 - 9:00 PM at Piney Branch Elementary School. There’s more background on the plan here:
Temporary Library Location: With the Library renovation expected to enter the construction phase shortly, the facility will have a temporary home at 7505 New Hampshire Avenue. This new location, between the IHOP and Holton Lane, is expected to open in mid-October.
Let’s Play America Fall Play Day, September 24, 10:00 - 2:00 PM, Takoma Middle School: Activities include touch-a-truck with Takoma Park Public Works; giant chess, checkers and Connect4; corn hole; board games; dress up; tennis; and pickle ball.
Piney Branch Elementary Pool Re-opening September 24: After over two years of closure due to COVID and infrastructure upgrades, the indoor pool at PBES is set to reopen for lap and general swimming. Schedule information should be available soon.
Upcoming Tree Pruning and Removals: The City has contracted with Takoma Tree Experts on tree work expected to start later this month. Scroll down to “Public Space Tree Pruning and Removals” in the above link to see the full list.
Takoma Foundation Beerfest, October 1, 4:00 -- 8:00 PM, Cady Lee Mansion: The event features bratwurst and local craft beers, along with live music. Tickets are $45 in advance and $60 at the door. Proceeds will fund grants to local nonprofits working in Greater Takoma in such areas as food justice and racial equity.
Takoma Park Street festival, October 2, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Carroll Avenue: One of the City’s most popular events is back again.
Monster Bash, Saturday, October 29, 1:00 - 5:00 PM: This annual Halloween event includes as always the Costume Parade and Contest, plus entertainment, games and more.
Free Tree Plantings: The City is taking requests for free trees as part of the new program focused on private property planting. The City website also has an updated Urban Forestry page with information on a range of tree-related topics:
Business Grants: The TKPK Business Investment Grant (BIG) -- funded through the City’s ARPA plan -- is open for businesses looking to locate, grow or expand in Takoma Park. Funds are available for capital expenditures and hard costs related to new business fit-out or existing tenant improvements. For more information: In addition, the Montgomery County Retail Business Assistance Grants program is open through September 30, providing grants to small businesses to support rental costs, both current and arrears rent payments connected to the pandemic:
AFCSME Wage Adjustment Budget Amendment: The City budget approved in May allocated sufficient funds for a 5% increase in staff wages for the fiscal year which began July 1. Through the collective bargaining process, the City and its two employee unions reached agreement on a wage increase of 6.5% (an additional 1.5% beyond the budgeted amount). That increase was previously approved and made retroactive to July 1 for the Police union and non-union Takoma Park employees. AFSCME Local 3399 did not ratify the agreement until August, when the Council was on recess from formal meetings. The Council voted last week (by 7 - 0 votes) to both finalize the wage increase (again, retroactive to July 1) for AFSCME workers and to authorize the expenditure of the necessary additional funds ($83,842), which were not in the budget as initially approved. That budget amendment requires a second vote by the Council, which we’ll be taking this week. I’ll be voting yes again.
City Election Ordinance: Each election year, the Council adopts an ordinance establishing the terms of the local City election. This year -- as in 2020 -- the election will be conducted primarily through mail-in ballots (every registered City voter will receive a ballot in the mail), with an in-person voting option available on Election Day. There will also be ballot drop-boxes available prior to Election Day. I will be voting in favor of the ordinance this week, and there will be a final vote next week.
Youth Council Appointments: Youth Council appointments are generally made at the start of the school year. The final slate of appointees was not available as of blog-post time.
Presentation on State and County Laws Regarding Paid Family Leave: With both the State of Maryland and Montgomery County having recently enacted paid family leave legislation, and with City residents and union representatives having recommended the adoption of similar legislation here in Takoma Park, the Council will begin considering potential next steps. Given that this is a complex topic with a budgetary impact, and that there are only a few more Council meetings before the election, the next Council will determine how the City should proceed. This week’s work session will help lay the necessary groundwork through presentations on the relevant State and County laws.
Kentland Avenue Speed Hump Request: This topic is also the subject of this week’s public hearing (see above).
The Takoma Park COVID-19 Data Dashboard is updated through September 15:, and the County data is also updated: Key data points noted by City staff:
Montgomery County's Community Level remained at "Low" based on County data and CDC data. In the County dashboard, new cases per 100,000 residents remained stable at 126, the percent of beds occupied by COVID-19 patients decreased from 7.97% to 7.4%, and hospital admissions per 100,000 residents increased from 6.62 to 7.9. In the CDC data -- which the Takoma Park COVID-19 data dashboard displays -- COVID-19 cases remained stable at 126 cases per 100,000, hospital admissions per 100,000 remained stable at 7.5, and the percent of beds occupied by COVID-19 patients remained stable at 5%.
There were 41 new cases of COVID-19 reported in the 20912 zip code in the last week, compared to 24 the previous week. Deaths due to COVID-19 in the zip code remain unchanged since last week.
Other COVID resources: For information on vaccine appointments go to: or State Vaccine Website; for testing: Montgomery County Testing Sites; for food aid: Submit an online request for help with food resources or call 240-777-0311. For help with housing, utility bills, etc. send an email to housing or call 301-891-7119. Masks and testing kits, previously available at the Library, can now be picked up at the main reception desk in the Community Center.
I encourage residents to contact me with questions or comments about anything in this blog.
Peter Kovar, Takoma Park City Council, Ward One
(He, Him, His)
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